Monday, May 7

Tag! You're it!

So I got tagged by MrsWho. I kind of like these things. I've seen blogs where people bitch about these, and maybe they're just not vain enough to own a blog... have fun, dammit!
So I have to give out 10 pieces of information about myself that are unknown to the majority of people who read this...

1. I have big feet. Size 10. Because of this, I often find great shoes in the men's department. Yeah, saying "I wear a size 8" sounds better as long as I keep the rest of the sentence ("in men's") internal.

2. I am on the verge of getting another tattoo. I have my Virgo symbol on my left hip, and my husband's name in a heart-shaped wreath of roses on my extreme lower back, and now I have the design picked out for my right hip. Now it's just a matter of finding the time and getting it done.

3. I am the bitch. In the realm of parenting in this house, I am The. Meanest. Mommy. EVER. Just ask my kids. It happened that way for two reasons , JP is hard to piss off, whereas I get mad at the drop of a hat, and two, because that's how my family was, Dad was the often-absent pushover, and Mom was the disciplinarian... she was also the fun one.

4. I love money. Yeah, I know, most people do. But I think this is teetering on the edge of obsession. I went into accounting because of money. Literally, actual money, not numbers on a spreadsheet, I'm talking bills, coins, all of it. The thought of having a ton of money and just laying it out on my bed and counting it all day, stacking it nicely, all smooth and facing the same direction, wow, almost orgasmic.

5. For the past year and a half, every time I see a bucket truck (some call them cherry pickers) driving around town, I start to cry. Because I know my husband is not driving it. I know he's not there.

6. I wrote a book. I tell people I want to try to get it published, but in reality, I am scared shitless. The fear of putting it out there to be judged is just too much, and I doubt I will ever actually do it. And that pisses me off.

7. I wanted so much to name my oldest son (Alexander) after the anti-Christ. I read the book "The Omen" as a kid, and fell in love with the name Damian. Nobody (including my husband) liked the name. Alex was due to arrive October 16. He was late. Very late. If he could have waited a few more hours, he'd have been born on Halloween and then I would have INSISTED that he be Damian. I still love that name, and am considering rescuing another cat and naming HIM that.

8. My mother is literally my best friend. I know people say that, but looking at my other friends, there is no comparison. We rarely act like mother and daughter. We are friends. The one giveaway though is that I still call her Mom. I tried once calling her by her first name... too weird. I cannot imagine being without her, and I know that someday it may happen, and thinking of that just makes me want to spend more time with her and enjoy it while it lasts.

9. If I had to, I could survive on Diet Pepsi and cigarettes. Not well, I will concede, but if the cupboard is bare, and there is nothing else, there IS diet pepsi and cigarettes in this house. They are my essentials.

10. I hate pineapple. And coconut. That is one of the biggest deterrents keeping me from trying out for Survivor. That's all those people eat quite often. I'd die of starvation with nasty tropical fruit sitting right in front of me. Plus, I don't think they'd let me bring a carton of cigarettes as my luxury item...

There, that's 10. and now... I get to tag someone.... STEFF! You're up!


Jan Ross said...

Oooohhhh...I would love to have a tattoo. I want one right above my butt. But I'm too much of a coward. Ever since my daughter told me she cried when she got hers, I've been too afraid.

Send that book to a publisher. You never know!!

Steff said...

I'm sick as this sounds I love these questionaire type thingies!

Okay okay...I'll do it as soon as I can!