Thursday, May 17

My first professional looking outfit!

Mom and I went to Fargo today, had to get cigarettes and dog food. I also needed to find an outfit to wear to Steven's graduation, and in July, to Nikki's wedding. It had to match my beautiful set of pearls, and that proved to be a real P.I.T.A.

What I got was a camel/tan colored skirt, knee length and a short jacket to match it. Then began the search for the perfect colored shirt to wear under the jacket. It could not have a collar, so no button-up, and a polo is too casual for the jacket and skirt, plus, anything up that close to the neck will hide the pearls, and that's the LAST thing I wanted. A couple of times I found a great style, but it wasn't in the right color, or if I could find the right color, I couldn't find the right size. Mom and I went to Herberger's, and two other little boutique types in the mall, then we tried Macy's, and Penney's. I did find a beautiful cashmere sweater in Macy's... perfect color, perfect fit, but I just couldn't see paying $90 for what amounted to a shell. Something that would just peek out over the top button of the jacket.

So we went to Target... of course. I just love them. I found the perfect color shell there for... (wait for it... oh hell, it's just too good for suspense!) $10!!

This is a great looking outfit, I may have Alex take my pic in it tomorrow afternoon. Anyway, this is something that I can wear a year from now on job interviews, and I can also wear when I land that great job. (Can ya tell that I don't dress up often, and I almost never wear something that looks professional?) I'm so excited!

Tomorrow is Friday, and I have to spend the day getting the laundry caught up and the house cleaned. Jason is staying at the house to dog sit, Hailey, Comet and Kate. I doubt he will have any problems with them, they're all good girls.

I'm tired. I have been turning into quite the night owl the last week or so. Ever since spring session let out, actually. Last night I was up til 2 am and the night before was 3 am. Then I go back to bed after I get the kids up and moving, and sleep til 11 am. I know that is why I'm up late then. Today I think I may have broke the vicious cycle. I got up at 6:30 with the kids, and after they left, I showered and went out to Mom's. Before we headed to Fargo, though, we had a stop to make...

At "XYZCompany"...(I don't advertise for things or places that I don't personally love) ( (Target) where my friend Gina works. Mom went out there to get a job application. See, she did what I did last year. She walked out. Wednesday. She said it was the last straw, and she was done. I know how much she hated that place, and as scary as this is, she needed to do it. This forces her to go find another job... a better one. This crappy job she left? Working every single weekend AND every single holiday that the store was open. The only time that dump closed was Christmas Day, oh, and on New Year's Day, they opened late... instead of 6 am, they opened at 8 am... and Mom was there. What a shitty job working for some pretty incompetent people. Now she will find something better. She hasn't told Dave yet, he was coming home tonight from work (he works down in the Cities all week, staying in a hotel, comes home on weekends) She didn't want to give him this news over the phone. She's actually worried about how he'll take it! Holy crap, I don't know Dave anywhere near as well as she does, and even I know he's gonna give out a big whoop of joy when she tells him that she quit.

I put in earrings today. I had to push them through. (ouch!)I had my ears pierced when I was 13, and haven't worn earrings in probably 13 or 14 years. The only pair I could find (because I didn't want to wear the pearls, they're a bit dangley and I didn't want anything to happen to them) was the pair I bought in the 9th grade... yeah, 20 years ago. They're pewter and they're shaped like little daggers. Alex tells me I was a bit goth (before goth was defined, even!) (Cool!) He said it wasn't a compliment... bite me, saggy pants!

It's almost time for Letterman, I doubt I will make it to Craig tonight though.
Tomorrow is all about laundry, so I can not sleep in!

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