Tuesday, May 22

More Mark...sorry ladies, he's taken!

Emma took both these pictures out on Steve and Mark's patio before the ceremony. Yeah, the recipient of the mug-hug is my oldest son (the one who's full of shit etc) Alex. And yes, I know he needs a haircut... eventually. The top picture is of the Jeffries. The one on the right is Jeffrey, and the left is Jeff. They're a couple. They're both just sweet and sarcastic and funny, really a good fit. Jeffrey said it was nice to have someone with the same name, because "When I scream my name in bed, this silly boy thinks I'm talking to him!" LOL


Anonymous said...

Lemme know if they change their status...DAMN!!!!

Scott from Oregon said...

Yeah, those gay boys are always neat, good-looking, trim and fit.

Is it the vagina that changes us?

(Now THAT is a scary thought...)

Are they in a state where the anti-gay crowd hasn't bullied them into submission? They can marry?

Nikky said...

No Scott, Minnesota is about as closed-minded as they come. Neither Steven and Mark or Jeffrey and Jeff are married BY LAW. But both couples have exchanged rings in ceremonies.

Steff said...

Good gravy...I'm with Flat Coke. If they ever get straight curious (is that even a term?!) let me know. I know he's your brother and all...but dang are they good lookin'!

Nikky said...

Why, yes steff, "straight curious" IS a term, but I think both these boys experimented enough in college to figure out that they're just not that curious anymore!LOL

Anonymous said...
