Wednesday, May 2

Over the hump day! But first...

I miss my husband, I wish he was here. Not just for me, but because today is his birthday. His second one spent in Hell. He should not be there, not today. I love you honey, I miss you more than you can imagine...well, no, I bet you can imagine. Just know that I cannot wait until the day you are back here where you belong, living with your family. The kids and I are counting the days. Happy birthday, see you soon babe.

And now to get back to business that doesn't make me cry:
Another good day, lots of stuff done, and DONE FOR THE LAST TIME, too, so that's fabulous!

  • Excel exam done, think I did pretty good too! It was really a good idea to go over it last night for two and a half hours. And with that, barring a horrible failure on that test, I am DONE with Excel, DONE with Marcus for the rest of my academic career!
  • I took the written half of the Computerized Accounting test. I'll take the computer part tomorrow. It wasn't too bad either!
  • We were given our last Accounting test today, it's not due until next Thursday at 2 (our scheduled "final exam" time). I worked on it for about an hour in class (It's 6 pages long!) and I only have one "problem" left, the big one at the end. It may take tonight and tomorrow night, but my plan is to have it done by Friday morning. I can drop it off when I go in to take my Psych test.

I also had something really cool happen just now. Emma and I ran out to Walmart to pick up stuff (see next paragraph for the bitch about how bad Walmart SUCKS) and I met a really nice woman. Her name is Kim, she's my age, and her dad works with JP back here. Her husband is also in Hell. We stood there and talked for the longest time, and exchanged numbers so we can get together.

OK, it just wouldn't be me if there wasn't something to bitch about, I'm surprised I made it this long! I went out to Walmart to find a softball glove. The girls I bowl with are on a softball team in the summer. So now I'm going to do that. But I haven't played since (I think I'm right here, JP, correct me if I'm wrong) the summer of 1992... yeah, THAT long. And I wasn't that good back then either. But, like the bowling team, it's (obviously) not about being the best.

Here's the dilemma: I'm left handed. Walmart does not have one single glove for a left handed person. They suck ass. I hate them, I really do. Now I will have to go to the sports shop in town and pay 3 times as much just to stick it on the other hand.

cranky moment, just a little one, in an otherwise nice day. And, with Friday being so incredibly easy, I am officially OVER THE HUMP... it's all downhill from here!!


Anonymous said...

I've joined the I hate Wal-mart bandwagon just in the last 6 months. I am now a die hard Target fan. It's just BETTER there.

Sorry bout the left handed glove. Hope you can find one soon!!!

Steff said...

I love hump day...well I really just like saying hump day. I swear there is a little perv inside of me! Anyway, I completely get you about Wal-Mart. My biggest pet peeve is that they won't put your bags in your cart. They just spin the rack and expect me to put them in myself - along with getting my coupons in order and writing my check. Grrr!

Anyway, Happy Birthday to your hubby. It sucks that he's so far away, but hopefully he'll be home soon!