Sunday, May 20

My brother's Graduation

I just got home from a short and sweet visit to the Cities for Steven's graduation. He now has a Master's Degree in International Business. There was an open house before the ceremony, and I thought I'd share a few pictures that I (and Emma) took. She did pretty good with the camera, I must admit. For the most part, the kids did behave themselves, I hardly had to threaten to rip their lips off at all!
First pic is Steven and Mark, then Steven and I, then Steven and Mom... That's all I'm posting for now, maybe some from the open house later (they're a little more casual)


Steff said...

Who is Mark? He's cute! Glad you had a good time!

Nikky said...

Mark is my brother's hubby... and yes, you're right, he is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Why do gay men have to be so damn handsome??? GROWL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I had the SAME question - I was like "ooh, who is Mark?"

Damn gay men looking so good! :) Your brother is a lucky man!