Nice idea Scott, but it wouldn't work
Scott asked a question that would take a ton of typing to answer. (Unless I just said "No") so I ran outside and took a picture.
With the truck in the way, it's harder to see, but on the right of the garage door is a small window and a walk-in door. As you can also see, there is a walk-in door on the left side (west side) of the garage. Not necessary to have 2 walk-ins. Actually, we don't use either one, but I suppose we should keep one of them.
So, the plan is to knock out the window and the door over there on the right, and make the garage-door opening that much wider, PLUS, widen it a bit to the left as well. The left part is an "only if necessary" thing though, because the electrical crap is right there. We'd have to move the breaker box... not that HUGE of a deal, but a PITA that we will avoid if we can.
OK, now that the garage is clean (Alex and Shitball helped me with it this morning) I can move on to cleaning off the big desk down in the family room so I can (with Alex's help, again) haul it up and out to the garage. It will be there until the rummage sale.
I'm a busy bee today, bye!
Make sure they put in an eight foot tall door and not a seven foot tall door. I mean it. Seriously. The savings isn't worth it in the end. Eight foot.
ok. I already lined up another contractor to come and give me a 2nd estimate, too, so I'm being a good smart girl, I'm shopping around, I'm doing my homework!
(8 ft... definately 8 ft...ok, got it!)
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