Monday, May 21

Ethics and College Writing II

Summer session started today.

I am realizing that it was a really smart move to take these two classes during the summer. For one, they're condensed... less than 2 months, less work. Knowing that, I shudder to think how much there would be if it was a full sized semester. As it is, there's a ton of reading, and just for Writing alone, it's three large papers due throughout the class and one smaller paper due each week, not to mention all the "journal writing". The nice thing about that is that it doesn't matter what the journal writing is about, so I could essentially just copy and paste my blog entries... or even, hell, I could turn in my NaNoWriMo rough draft to her. She can edit it for me, and it would count as my 10% journal entries portion of my grade.

The Ethics class is going to be a bugger, I can tell. Tons of reading and tons of writing. Some of the discussions dealing with this class will touch on religious stuff... (insert eye rolling here) but I will muddle through it and be fine... I want those A's!!

Both these classes are going to be heavy in both reading and writing, and I'm glad I get to concentrate on them now, without any Accounting classes, Tax prep classes, Macro-econ classes etc getting in the way. I do love a good writing and reading class, but I think if I had mixed them in with the core classes, these ones I like would have suffered just based on not having the time to dedicate to the writing.

Tomorrow is a nice day, I have nothing planned all day, nothing until the softball game at 6pm. I'm really worried, I didn't have time to practice pitching all weekend. I'm considering quitting, but I really want to do it. But if my classes stay like this, I may not be able to, and at the very least, I would have a great excuse to quit, too much homework to do! At least that sounds better than "I suck at this, and I hate sucking at things, so I'm quitting".

Then Wednesday I have an Ortho appt, and Thursday is the kids' last day of school. So at the very least, THIS week should go by quickly. I do love the fact that my summer classes don't start until 1 in the afternoon at the earliest. I can sleep in even on days I have class. And after Thursday, I don't even have to get up for a few minutes to get the kids up for school.

Summer is the best.


Steff said...

I don't think you've got any worries for the writing...I love reading what you write!

Hang tough with the classes. You're a better woman than me! lol :)

Scott from Oregon said...

Wouldn't turning in previously written work be unethical?

Nikky said...

Scott, I asked her about turning in my novel while I'm in the process of editing and she said as long as it's stuff that I wrote,it doesn't matter that I wrote it 6 months ago and it's fine.
I certainly see your point tho, that's why I asked her!