No pictures, and no muscle tone
Oh. My. Aching. Ass.
and arms. and legs. and feet. and hell, even my hair hurts. But that's because of the wind blowing it in a million directions and ratting it up for me, even in a pony tail, still a ratty mess. But the rest of the aching is entirely because I am out of shape.
Now, I know the rule: if you get moving the day after a big (read: painful) workout, it will take your body less time to recover, and the recovery will hurt less. I've heard this, and I have my own theory on why it might actually work... Here's the deal, the day after isn't nearly as bad as the second day after. If you do something really active (and outside your couch-sitting comfort zone) on...say, a Sunday, then Monday will not be great, but still workable. Tuesday is the day that will feel like death. BUT, if you work those muscles again on Monday, you put off that second day death-pain until Wednesday. And then if you work it again on Tuesday, you push the pain back until Thursday. And so forth and so forth. Just keep putting off the pain. Sounds good in theory, huh?
The biggest problem with me actually making good on that theory is that I am a wuss. Pain is, well, PAINFUL, and I try to avoid it at all costs. (Surprising, I know, when one considers that I have 3 children. You'd have thought I'd have quit after the first bugger. Good meds make the memory fuzzy, that's the excuse I'm using to make that argument go away) But pain like this is self-inflicted, and AVOIDABLE.
But to play the (fat) Devil's advocate, having an ass the width of two axe handles is also AVOIDABLE. How? By stopping the wuss and living through the pain. I guess it comes down to 'what do I hate more? Pain or a fat ass?'
fat ass.
Yeah, I say that now, right now I can still move. Ask me again tomorrow... or, oh, the hell of Tuesday. Yeah, ask me then, and I bet I'll beg for the biggest ass ever just to make the pain go away.
The one good thing is that at the very least, I will be able to crawl back into bed tomorrow morning if I want to. Get the kids up and going then lay down and die. I doubt I have to do that physical activity FIRST THING in the morning. I'm sure it can wait til the afternoon... (oh, hell. the procrastination has started already!)
lol love your theory. something always seems to happen where I can't get back to the gym so quickly. PAIN PAIN PAIN
The pain you feel is acid build up in the muscle tissue. That and connective tissue that isn't used to being strained so much.
Take a few really really hot baths and some advil and get back out there and do some more.
Some advice from an old beat up sportster.... protect your skeletal system, and abuse and use your muscles. The musles are very aaptive. The bones just get beat up and old...
Beat up and old... that pretty much sums up how I feel today. But I am taking the girls for a walk this afternoon,(that's a good 2 miles, minimum) and Alex and I are going to go out in the yard and throw the ball around a bit, too. Hopefully that will help.
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