I found out that I'm old today
I was having a good day, working my little worker-bee butt off on my uber huuuuge list of things to accomplish today. I got the Christmas tree up, decorated, did 7 loads of laundry, cleaned the garage, cleaned the sun porch, wrapped not only my remaining gifts, but all of those purchased by my mother as well, I went to the post office to mail crap, I went to the bakery to pick up Eric's birthday cake, I went through all of my textbooks and cleaned them up (massive pile of eraser debris, thank god I used pencil the whole time) and then got them listed on Half.com, try to make some of my money back on them, I even ran lunch out to mom and took a few minutes to eat with her while she had half a second at work. I was feeling good, very accomplished, and non-procrastinator-ish. I also went online to my college's website and was able to see most of my grades have been posted.
Out of 7 classes, 5 instructors have posted grades so far. All 5 of those are A's for me!! The two that are missing are my Intro to Computers, and I'm a little concerned that may have fallen to a B, and my Business Law class, and I'm darn near certain that it will be an A.
So I was feeling pretty good today... until I got the mail. No bills, good start to it all, but it sort of went in the shitter as soon as I opened the Christmas card from L. She and I were best friends from the age of 5. She was in my wedding, I was in hers, she is the godmother to my first born son. She lives about 4 hours away though, and I have not seen her in probably 7 or 8 years. We email often, and have a 2 hour telephone conversation a couple of times a year. She always sends those cute photo cards at Christmas time, and they're always pictures of her kids.
L. is one of those really pretty girls, you know, back in high school, every boy wanted to date her, she was the Homecoming Queen, the head of the cheerleaders and she dated the captain of the football team. Dream life. If she were not such a wonderful, sweet girl, I could easily have hated her. But besides being gorgeous and smart, she is so nice, just genuinely a good person. But pretty, that's the main key here...So imagine my surprise when the prettiest girl from school has one of the homeliest kids I have ever seen! Just her son is... not cute. Her little girl is a-freakin-dorable though.
I digress.
I got this card, and WOW, how nice, it's a family picture, but who the heck is that old lady? OH MY GOD, IT'S L.!! I studied this photo for a long time. She has frown lines, and laugh lines, and crow's feet, and wrinkles under her eyes... and one of those bad ''duck butt'' hair cuts. You know, where from the back, her head looks like a duck's ass? But the front is smoothed down on the sides? Just so wrong on so many levels.
But I kinda freaked out, holy shit, do I look that old too? I am 7 or 8 months older than she is, crap, do I look that bad? I actually went into the bathroom to study my face, trying to have an unbiased opinion... but it's my face, I'm used to it, so it was hard for me to judge. I'm considering posting a pic of me on here and asking Scott and Flat coke to 'guess my age'. I know I can't ask JP, cuz he just wants to get in my pants, he's just hoping for nudie pics... sweet man... i wuv him.
I asked my sons when they got home. Eric said "Mom, you're not old, why would you look old? You're not old"
Alex said"You look like you have always looked, as long as I can remember, that's what you look like. Haven't you looked like that for forever?"
Such nice boys, obviously close to Christmas time, they don't want to piss off the woman with the direct link to the magical fat man.
I don't know, maybe I just suddenly had that "holy crap, I'm not in Kansas anymore" feeling. I'm an adult, whether I like it or not, and eventually I will have to grow up (and old)... dammit.
I had two moments like that-- One, when a kid said "Mommy, that man over there," and I realized he was talking about ME! hat was my first age WOW. I had always been a punk kid or dude before that.
Then a few years ago, some guy asked me how I was able to work so hard "at your age?"
Holy cow!
Did I look too old to work hard?
I looked young most of my adult life so far, but now I really don't. Gray has set in hard like frost, and I am actually hearing rumors of a thinning spot in the back, but I am afraid to look. Weight has crept up with me and the outdoor life has marked me with lines.
The whole process takes a bit of getting used to. I cna't stare at hot chicks in bikinis anymore because now I have entered into the realm of dirty old man...
(Unless I sneak a peek)
Youre so sweet, I'd love to hear 29... lemme get a photo that doesnt make me look like a dork (that could take years in itself!) and I will ask for opinions!
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