Not fair & not good at waiting
Not Fair: no calls yet. I'm sure he's good though, cuz he knows where I am, and he knows where HE is, so I'm sure he's content, since he's not there anymore. I however, do not know where he is, therefor, I am getting pissy. What a spoiled monster I am, huh? I feel like Varuca Salt, "I want him here, and I want him here NOW!" Man, what a brat.
Not good at waiting: Yeah, I really suck at it. Waiting makes me cranky. I feel bad for the kids. I'm getting very short with them, and I have a constant headache, and I'm just downright bitchy. I need to get laid, that's what it boils down to... AND I WISH I COULD, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS!!
Wow, yeah, I can't even crack open a Mike's to chill out, because I don't want to be drunk, or even tipsy when he calls, since I will have to drive the hour to Fargo to pick him up WHENEVER I HEAR FROM HIM!!
Ugh, I cannot think of another thing to do to pass the time, I have watched movies with the kids, hell, we even watched the entire Lord Of The Rings Trilogy yesterday. I am movied-out. I have tried vegging on, but even that gets old after awhile. My house is as clean as it's gonna get. I can't even crawl into bed and nap, because I washed the bedding this morning, and my bed is pristine and beautiful and full of April Freshness, and I don't want to fuck it up by climbing into it. If he doesn't come home today, I may sleep on the couch just to preserve the loveliness of it. Not that I've slept much the last two nights anyway... I'd hate to be sleeping when my cell phone rings... although I have NEVER slept through a ringing phone. My cell phone plays "shook me all night long" by AC/DC, and since that is probably my favorite song on Earth, I hear it... always. I am physically incapable of sleeping through a noise that starts where silence once was.
See, now this whole post is just silly. I am just typing words and shit that come into my head as a way to pass the time. I'm actually running out of things to THINK to type.
I keep checking back daily.
You said fuck and bed in the same sentence and meant it in a totally different way! lol
AcDc? Really?
Did you know ABBA and AC/DC made a CD recently?
Well they did. The ABBAACDACD. It rocks!
Crap! I misspelled the album name...
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