Saturday, December 2

Here's another fun picture

OK, so the email that brought me the KISS pandas also brought this one. And several others that I will post from time to time. I just really like them, I think the email was something about "when computer graphic geeks get bored"...

A couple of the pics were pretty disturbing, but so far I'm only posting the ones that make me giggle.

I have to get busy and

  • clean the house
  • clean our bedroom
  • finish my NaNoNovel so I can get a copy published
  • check our Christmas stuff, make sure were good there
  • do homework for next week
  • balance the checkbook so I can give money to JP so he can buy me a Christmas present
  • get Alex in for a haircut
  • get nice looking outfits for all 3 kids for next weekend

Guess I should not be sitting on my bed with my laptop, huh? But I think I'm going to take a nice long relaxing shower first. My weekday morning showers are always so rushed, gotta get in and get er done and get out because kids need to be woke up, and they need to get into the bathroom. If I were a bath person, I'd even want to take a nice long bubble bath, but eewww, no thanks, I do not consider stewing in my own juices to be relaxing. Gimme a really hot shower with no time limit and I'm a happy girl (not to mention a pruny one!)

That's what I will do: shower first, list later....

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