Gay Men, Long Drives & snotty no-class hockey bitches
The title pretty much sums up the weekend.
The concert was great, even the Latin shit that I did not understand. The kids were INCREDIBLY good. Even Steven said so... so that's saying alot. Mom finally told Steven about selling her house, and they took care of financial dealings, and she told him about Dave and his offer. He seems okay with it, but we will see. I'm betting he was too busy being self important on Saturday to realize that he may have an opinion about someone else's life... how silly of him to forget, after all, he has an opinion on everything. I am pretty sure I will be getting a phone call from him later this week asking for details, hearing his opinion and basically letting him have his say. I don't really care what his "say" is, but I love him, so I will let him babble and pretend I care, pretend it matters.
The drive home today was... L--------O---------N---------G I think maybe it just felt like it took forever because I just wanted to be home NOW. The kids were pretty good on the ride home, I think they felt the same way: Let's just get there.
After we got home and unpacked the van, I had to run Emma to the arena for her hockey game. She has to be there an hour before the game. So during that hour I ran out and picked up my girls, wow, they were happy to see us!! Then I ran Mom out to Dave's so she could get her girls and her truck. Turns out that Zoey was not a lady out there for Dave. Sounds like she was a manipulative little stinker. But Dave fell for the "seizure" trembling and crumbled like a cookie. She may not have thumbs, but Zoey must have a pinkie, because THAT is where Dave is, wrapped firmly around Zoey's little finger.
After all the dog fetching, I had a few minutes, so I did a mail check, got things ready for class tomorrow, and got to talk to JP for about 3 minutes online. Thanks to a really shitty connection, it was barely a decent conversation, but at least I got a few words from him.
The girls played Moorhead today. Emma plays on a girls team, called a U-10 team. That means that all the players are either 10 yrs old or under. This Moorhead team (and Park Rapids last weekend, too) had very few U-10 players. The majority of them were U-12's. Our girls have quite a few rookies, girls skating their first year, going up against these 11 and 12 year old girls who have been skating damn near half their lives. Of course it was a complete annihilation, big time little-girl-ass-whooping. The only "good" news is that our sweet little Emma had to go and get caught checking one of these neanderthal bitches, and got to sit in the penalty box for her trouble. She was actually okay with it, she said "She checked me first, the Ref just didn't catch HER!"
Again this year, Moorhead showed a total lack of class or sportsmanship. No pulling their goalie, no minimum number of passes, nothing, just ass-kicking after ass-kicking. These little girls of ours, holy shit, they must have pretty tough skin, because I know if I had to deal with that every weekend, I'd get tired of it REAL QUICK. I know I would have quit by now... that Emma, she is getting really good, honey, you will have to go skating with her while you're home on leave. Her skating has gotten INCREDIBLY better, and her puck handling is really coming along too. I'm so proud of her, she is really doing well.
Well, that's all I've got for now, maybe I will remember what else I wanted to mention later. I'm so numb -brained right now, I just don't know. I have not slept well in a good week, and last night we were up til shortly after 1am, and got up just after 7, on the road before 8. Too much "go" and not enough "stop"... that's what I'm dealing with now. But I can see the stop sign up ahead, next Friday at 3pm. Last class of the first semester of college ends at 3pm on Friday. No finals, no classes the following week, also, no kids, because they DO have classes. So it's all me, all cleaning, all week.
Well, that's the plan anyway!
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