Saturday, March 17

Flashback Saturday~ The Ouija Board

I alluded in another flashback post about the day my brother and I sat down with the Ouija board, so I thought I would tell the whole story today.

As previously mentioned, I MOVE THEM, not Satan, just little ol' me. Mom was there, not really paying attention, Dad was not...he was probably out cutting wood or some other chore as a way of avoiding spending time with his family.

Rather than paint the whole picture (I have alot of stuff to do today) I will simply give the Q&A's, and their results... cuz I AM PSYCHIC!!

  • WHEN WILL MR. VOSS DIE? (Mr Voss was a horrendously rich man that my grandmother worked as a housekeeper for) I had just read about 'the Ides of March', so I said "MARCH 15TH" We were doing this silly game in roughly January or February, by the way. Well, of course, March 15th came and went that year, and Mr Voss kept on breathing. BUT the next year...yup, he died ON MARCH 15TH. I know alot of stuff could be chalked up to coincidence, but to pick the date, out of 365 days... I must say, this one and the JP one are the ones I am most impressed with. May he rest in peace, of course... BUT I WAS RIGHT!! LOL

  • (I don't remember how the question was asked on this one) We got into Mom, and who she would date after Dad died. (Yeah, sorry Dad, I said that you'd die, and that's how Mom would end up back in the dating pool) Well, I mentioned that Mom would date a guy she met at the cemetery. His profession? GRAVEDIGGER... So years later, after my parents divorced (Dad is not dead, although married to that soulless bitch he's got now, he might as well be) ANYWAY, my Mom started dating. Her sister set her up with a guy, Ted, whom she had known for a few years. Ted owned his own business. His own excavation business. Ted had, on occasion DUG GRAVES.

  • Of course, the previous story about my future husband being named JP...

  • I did get one wrong. After Steven asked about my future mate, I had to retaliate. I asked about his. And I answered... Stacy. Wow, was I wrong there...

Well, just a quick one this week, I have a new toy to play with, I got the invisible shield that I ordered for my Nano today, I want to get that put on.

The kids and I went to McDonald's for breakfast this morning, what a mistake! We waited almost 15 minutes for our food! Gawd, that place just SUCKS.

Interestingly enough, on our way home from McShithole, we were followed by Gimli on a Harley. I kid you not, it was Gimli the Dwarf, riding a hog. The kids thought it was real funny, til I reminded them, while sitting at a stoplight, that I had the window down, and Gimli could probably hear them laughing at him... Gimli looked pretty tough covered in leather except for his face, and that telltale beard, the kids were certain that he had his axe lashed to his back, ready to pull it out at any second and cut small children to shreds. They shut up.

Oh, and about Alex, and the making out... we've had "the talk", so he's good there. I am very appreciative that he feels comfortable enough to tell me about stuff like this... I am fairly certain that it won't last so I am doing all I can to keep that communication open as long as possible. He is actually trying to find me a picture of this new girl... so at least he still wants me involved. So, ya know, I got that going for me...


Scott from Oregon said...

I don't know what is ska-wier, your side kick abilities or a drawf on a chopeer...

Scott from Oregon said...

man, just look at that spelling...

I blame it on this cordless keyboard scrambling signals.


Steff said...

I was always a little freaked by those things. I never thought the dead were moving them, but I never felt comfortable enough to put my hands on one either. I was the girl standing over them saying to no one in particular that I wasn't touching the board so later on that night I didn't expect to be awakened by the ghosts.

Yeah...I wasn't always a hit at the slumber :)

Anonymous said...

I used one once in 5th grade. It scared the crap out of me.

Maybe I should get you another one and ask you some questions though. Sounds like you've got a connection SOMEWHERE!!

Nikky said...

well, Flat, I am a firm believer in that old wives' tale about NOT using one alone... so I'd have to rope Alex in to help me...I'm sure he'd think it was cool as hell though!