Thursday, March 29

breathing different at the dentist's office

I do this, do you?
When I have my mouth open and the hygienist or dentist has their hands and/or instruments in my mouth, I breathe through my nose...


today I could not do that, because I am sick. I am completely plugged in the nasal regions. I felt bad having to breathe through my mouth. I even explained to Lisa, the very nice and almost overly perky hygienist, that I was sick and was all stuffed up.

Anyway, all 3 kids and me, done with the dentist for another 6 months. When I made the appointment for the next visit, October, I said (with a smile) "JP will be here, add him to that, if you could"... I made an appointment that you have to be here to keep, ok honey?

All 4 of us had good reports, too. No cavities. Alex's molars are working on coming in and once they're in, it will be time for him to have an ortho consult...

I have a busy day tomorrow, but that will have to wait for an "after" report, it's already after midnight, and I need to sleep.


Anonymous said...

It's terrible to admit this, but I have not been to the dentist since right before my former marriage...that would be 10 years ago in June. But since nothing hurts, I'm ok, right?

Harry Bronson said...

Hmm, it must be tough at first to breathe in through your mouth, specially with all the work being done on your teeth. But they handled your situation nicely and you didn't have any problems at all - save for a bit of discomfort. Just keep up with the cavity-free report!