Monday, April 30

What's done is done

This week, as I've said, I'm going to be crazy busy.
This could easily drive me over the edge, but I think I have devised a plan to keep me sane.

Instead of focusing on what is on the huge list of things to do, I am going to post only accomplishments this week. No whining (ok, I can't PROMISE, but I can try) just

accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative!
(Ha, that is SO not me, but I'm gonna give it a shot, otherwise I will go postal and someone will have to make the ultimate sacrifice for the well being of everyone around me)

So, here is it, Monday, and my "done" list includes:

  1. Senate meetings, last one was today
  2. power point presentation(10 slides, WITH animated text and pictures!) for my speech tomorrow afternoon, I'm amazed that I was able to remember how to do it!

I'm still working on homework, this is just a little break, so maybe I can add more later on tonight. I hope to add accounting and excel to that (short) list.

It'll all be worth it a week from today!! I will get through this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crazy here too, I'm working midnights at the hospital.