Coming Soon: "You Suck" posts
Earlier this summer I blogged about my disapproval/hatred of Blue Cross/Blue Shield (of Minnesota) and I just got another one in my head..
SO, I am going to have a series of posts, only reported as companies piss me off titled "You Suck (insert company name here)"
I got quite a few hits from BC/BS ISP addresses with the last one, and that made me smile... to know that they know that I think they suck, plus it has the benefit of anyone else who reads my blog getting a "buyer beware" notice about that sucky company...
I'm home for lunch right now, don't have time to do the whole thing, so this will have to do, a preview of tonight's "You Suck"....Target National Bank...yes, that's right, my 'beloved' Target Visa card is very correct in it's Target Logo... they are my next target!
I opened a Target Visa when I bought my outdoor gazebo to get the 10% off. When I paid it off and closed the account they made a HUGE deal of it. They were very threatening that I couldn't close the account. BULL SHIZZNIT!! I called them back the next week and spoke with a new representative that closed it for me. I have my eye on TARGET TOO!!
wow, almost makes me want to hurry up and call them to cancel the card while they're still reeling from receiving my payoff from Discover... just to have them get indignant with I can yell at them, really, that is my goal.
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