Sunday, January 27

coming attractions

(yeah, pun INTENDED)

Tomorrow I will be able to post pictures of the stuff I got at my sex toy party.

JP is sick again, I worry about him. Just another cold, but still, he never really had issues with colds before. I think he's lost his Minnesota Immunity to cold and germs. Hopefully he will get it back after he's been home throughout one winter.

So I am sitting in bed next to him (sleeping) and I am watching Dane Cook on Comedy Central. I have never seen his stand up before, but this weekend I watched "Good Luck Chuck", and it was pretty good. That is one of the DVDs that JP wanted, so I picked it up for him. Have any of you seen this movie? Pretty raunchy... I found this out when I watched it... which was about 4 hours after MY SON was allowed to watch it. Who allowed this, you may ask? Why, my husband, of course. Maybe he was suffering from a delirium brought on by fever. I hope that's what it was. I'd hate to think that JP thought this movie was appropriate for our son, who, as you may recall, recently admitted that he wanted to have sex with his little girlfriend. This movie was practically a position manual for crying out loud! SO inappropriate.

I kind of fell off the "good Nik" bandwagon this weekend. Drank more pop than water, and my eating was not the careful manner that I had previously maintained. My watchful eye was not watching my plate AT ALL this weekend. Fucking Little Debbie. I dread the scale in the morning.

That's all for now, I think I will shut down and fall asleep to the melodic tones of Dane Cook... hehe, yeah, right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you fell asleep to the VIBES of something other than Dane's voice!!

I watched some of his stand-up this weekend. He's in love with the f word but he's still funny.

What's Up Chuck is in my Queue on Netflix...cant wait.