Friday, January 18

The Good, the Bad and me

Well, I was good so far today. It's only 9:30 and already I have a good workout in. Now I just need to fold a TON of laundry. I think I will save that for The Young & the Restless and fold clothes on the couch.

So in the meantime, I thought I'd share part of my plan for my New Year's resolution. Of course, it was the water-instead-of-Diet-Pepsi, but also, I would very much like to weigh roughly 10 pounds less on December 31, 2008 than I did on December 31, 2007.

So Here's the GOOD, the helpful, my "good Nik" side...

It's a Gazelle, and I bought it some time ago. I used if for about a week when I first got it, then it got folded up and propped up against the wall. I have decided to use it in the mornings. JP and the kids leave about 7:30, and I don't have class until 8:30. I can get in a good half hour workout and still have time to shower and get to class.

Now, for the BAD... but it's SO good. We all know that alcohol is NOT conducive to losing weight. Especially the stuff that's thick and creamy and yummy. Such as my newest friend here:

Pour it over ice, and it tastes just like a dreamsicle. SO good. I just need to find a good balance of the good and the bad. A balance that is not 50/50. More like 90/10.

There ya go gang, I posted PICTURES! I know I don't do that often, and I should. As soon as I get my toy that had to be shipped from last Friday night, I will post a picture of that...MAYBE.


Anonymous said...

YEA TOY PICTURES!!! I've never tried that drink, but I bet I'd like it. It would be like amaretto, I would take one big gulp and the glass is empty!

Have a great weekend--good look with your gazelle!!!

Melissa said...

I should never ever taste that drink, because I'd never ever be able to give it up.

Good idea with the early-morning workout! You get to cross it off your list right away, and they say it energizes a person. I haven't tested that theory yet, but let me know if you find more spring in your step!