Saturday, January 5

The better half

You know that saying "My better half" that a married person uses when talking about their spouse... in the majority of the couples I know, or have known, there really is a BETTER half.

To prove that I am not walking around just judging others, I will admit that in my marriage, JP is definitely the better half. I cannot believe the shit he puts up with...mostly from me. I doubt very much I would stand for that kind of crap.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's perfect... he's just less not perfect than me. (Yes, I KNOW that is a double negative, just shows how not perfect I am)

Things are weird around here, and not in a good way. I thought we were moving nicely back into the norm, but now I just don't think so. Part of me knows what to do about it, but part of me is not sure how to fix it.
But for now, it just really sucks around here.


Melissa said...

Matt and I like to trade that title back and forth.

I hope things start looking up soon!

Steff said...

I'm totally stealing this from a book I just read, but while neither of you are perfect you're probably perfect for each other!

Sorry to hear that thngs are in a weird spot and hope that things unweird themselves soon!

Anonymous said...

Same hear sweetheart. If you need to talk, you've got my email. After reading mine and Bat's current post I'm sure you'll be able to tell it hasn't been peaches and cream around here. We're moving forward's what you've gotta do.

Scott from Oregon said...

sorry sweetie...

Remember, storms pass through, but rocks don't move...