Two things
One, I have to vent (notice I didn't say bitch? I'm trying not to do that as much, so I'll "vent" from now on!)
AM I THE ONLY GODDAMN PERSON IN THIS HOUSE WHO KNOWS HOW TO PUT A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER ON? MOREOVER, APPARENTLY I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO IT RIGHT! ahem, ok... now, allow me to explain AS IF IT NEEDS ANY FURTHER EXPLANATION! sorry, as I was saying... there must be someone who does KNOW how to put on a roll of TP, and I am trying to appreciate that... but when they put it on and the end of the roll comes out the bottom, THAT IS WRONG. I'd actually rather it be left on the counter where it normally sits until I come along than have it put in the holder BACKWARDS.
ALSO, it has come to my attention that my children are capable of doing things, they just CHOOSE not to, in order to either try to kill me with an aneurysm brought on by fits of anger or perhaps it is because they are just too friggin' lazy. Simple things, really... like putting a garbage bag INSIDE the can before they put more garbage into it.
(relax, breathe, this will PROBABLY not kill you, Nik...)
OK, now, that's done with. I feel better having vented, and now I can get on with my day.
Second point of the day: I just got a message from my son that my father called while I was in the shower a few minutes ago. The message?
"Tell Nikky that I'll call her later tonight, I have to go out and bale as much hay as I can before it gets dark"
I love my father so much. One could wonder why. All of my wonderful childhood memories include my mother and my brother... not him. He was always busy. That message is the story of my childhood. He couldn't come to the basketball game when I was cheering for the first time because there was wood to be split. He couldn't come to see me at the State Speech competition (mom did) because the fence in the pasture was down and it wasn't going to fix itself. So many things my dad missed out on, so many opportunities and so many times he dropped the ball.
But the chores got done, so he's got that going for him.
With all that history, it amazes me how hurt I was yesterday. My birthday was yesterday, dad, but I'll remind you of that when you're done baling hay, I know how important that is to you.
OK Why are you making me cry today? WHY?????????? I know JP or the kids could call him and say "call Nikky it's her birthday" but that wouldn't be the point. My father is a bit of the same way. Always had mechanic work or farming to do.
Sorry Flat. Didn't mean to make you cry!
I will give my dad one thing tho, he thought he was doing right by his family, he thought all we needed/wanted from him was material things, stuff got done, and his family was provided for. To him, that was how a man cares for his family.
He didn't have any bad intentions, just bad results.
Happy (a little late) Birthday!
Thankfully, I can not empathize with you because my dad wasn't like that. I know I'm lucky...know it even more now that I'm older. I'm sorry that your heart was hurt...especially on your birthday.
Now about that's even worse when you get mad that the TP is backward and then realize you live alone. Very sad that one...
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