Wednesday, September 12

To Sleep, perchance NOT to dream

My allergies are finally letting up, just in time for me to be getting sick.
And suddenly my body has decided to reject the notion of sleep. Sweet wonderful uninterrupted sleep. Nope, not for me. If I finally get to sleep, I wake up after every funky dream, sit there for half an hour to an hour before I can fall back to sleep, and do it all over again a few hours later.
So, yeah, things are not going well lately.
Mom suggested (and supplied me with!) some Melatonin. I took some this afternoon when I got home from class, and slept for 3 hours. Didn't have any funky dreams, didn't wake up constantly.
Nice thing is that I don't have class tomorrow until 10am. I am just about to head to bed again, actually. I have some catching up to do.


Melissa said...

My brother swears by melatonin (and I think my sister takes it too), but read I read the label to him, "do not take daily for more than two weeks," and he said, "Oops. Too late."

Sleep well, Nikky! Sounds like you need some.

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams...hope you get some rest and I hope your allergies/cold let up too!