Sunday, September 30
Saturday, September 29
A few details
Tuesday morning, I arrived in Grand Forks ND and spent the day listening to a nice lady go over my bank's policies etc.
As we left for the day, another girl (there were only 4 of us there) muttered under her breath "damn, I need a cigarette" I felt the same way. You see, smokers are frowned upon, anyone who smokes knows that. I did not smoke during our lunch break that day, didn't want to get "that look" from Lori (nice lady from above) or the other girls.
So this girl and I got to talking as we lit up on our way to our vehicles. Her name is Lindsey, and she's SO NICE. She had an evening of shopping planned, because her branch is in a tiny little podunk town, and she needed to expand her work wardrobe. OK, fine, twist my arm, I'll come with you! She was staying at the same hotel as me, so we exchanged room numbers and went back to change.
We spent a couple of hours shopping, and it was just amazing and freaky how many things we had in common. We decided to go out to dinner (expense accounts!) On our way driving around looking for a place to eat, we found a bar... We went in and each had 2 drinks then left, we HAD to eat. Well, we found the Texas Roadhouse for supper (YUMMY), then headed back to the bar.
Great pool tables, what can I say? We even talked a couple of the bar's employees into hanging out after they were done working, and they played pool with us, and we danced awhile, too. I found out something interesting, turns out, bars in Grand Forks close at 2 am. For those of you who are saying "Um, yeah, DUH!" Let me tell you that it is not always the case. The town I live in, some bars close at 2 and some close at 1 (party poopers) BUT, this bar, "Buck's" was open until 2 am. Lindsey and I found this out when it was time to go home, and we realized that it was, in fact, 2 am.
Uh-Oh, we have to be at the bank at 9am, dressed nice, and AWAKE... well, we didn't do too bad, we recovered just fine. Well enough, in fact, to decide to go out again on Wednesday night!
More shopping for Lindsey, and then a couple of drinks at Buck's. Really. Like...3. We played a few games of darts, and then headed back to the hotel. We had a taco pizza delivered TO THE HOT TUB and just chilled out. It was really nice to relax.
Thursday night was the big rip it up night. They had a cover charge at Buck's because they had Deuce's Wild playing. They're these two guys, dueling pianos, really. It's a raunchy comedy show, and it was "ladies night", too. We paid $6 for these wristbands and drank all we wanted from 8 to midnight. Not to mention the shots bought for us by these creepy guys. One was a UV Blue, one was a raspberry kamikaze, and one was..hell, I don't know, it was in a test tube and it was yummy. Now, these wristbands did not cover my normal drink, Mike's flavors. I do not like beer, so my only real option was to drink Long Island Iced Teas... turns out I drank several of them. Friday was pretty rough...
But it was a good time, and even though all I've mentioned is the after hours stuff, the truth is, I did learn so much about my new job.
I never took pictures, but I wish I would have, it was a great hotel. I had a second story room, with a balcony overlooking the water feature filled lobby. It was really nice. I did take a couple of pics with my new cell phone, mostly at Buck's. I don't know how to get them off the cell and onto my laptop yet though.
There, that's it. That's all the details you're getting!
Posted by
9/29/2007 03:50:00 PM
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Friday, September 28
no internet, tired TIRED tired Nik
I have to go to bed, but I will be chatting a bit about my week. It was SO GREAT! Yeah, boring work training but it was fun, and let me tell you, you get two bank employees and throw them together with a pool table and a few (lost count) shots of... blue stuff...
Now, THAT is a good time!
details to follow.....
Posted by
9/28/2007 09:57:00 PM
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Monday, September 24
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | ![]() |
Mind: | ![]() |
Body: | ![]() |
Spirit: | ![]() |
Friends/Family: | ![]() |
Love: | ![]() |
Finance: | ![]() |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Posted by
9/24/2007 08:59:00 PM
people commented
Never thought I'd say this:
Bowling was SO EXCITING tonight!
We played a team that truly sucked, they had a 61 handicap. We beat them in the first game by 30-some pins. The second game was much closer, we only beat them by 11 pins.
But the third game... wow.
It came down to our last bowler, my friend Charity, in the final frame. She got a strike and then a spare, and we beat them by JUST ONE PIN!! I have to give it to Charity though, because I know me, and I would have buckled under the pressure.
Yeah, I know, what a dork, if bowling gets my adrenaline going, then I need to get a life!
Oh, and yes, Steff, I did make a list, and now I am almost done crossing things off of it. I just have some clothes in the laundry and some bathroom things that won't get packed until I use them in the morning.
Now I just have to stay up long enough to move laundry into the dryer so I can go down at 5 am and pack those last few things.
Posted by
9/24/2007 08:45:00 PM
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Packing or a lack of...
I'm done with classes for the week!
I have to get the majority of my stuff packed up now, because I have bowling tonight.
I figure if I leave by 6 am tomorrow, I should be fine arriving in plenty of time to allow for not knowing where the hell I'm going. I have to be at my bank's Grand Forks branch by 9 am.
I just don't feel like packing yet. I know, I know. Procrastination is one thing but this is getting silly. I really should have packed most of it yesterday, because that way, when I realized that I forgot something, at least I'd still be here. Now, I will pack up tonight and not realize until I get to Grand Forks that I forgot something.
And it's raining and I just feel "nap-ish"
OK, fine, I'm off to find my suitcase.
See y'all tomorrow night from Grand Forks.
Posted by
9/24/2007 01:25:00 PM
people commented
Saturday, September 22
the last full moon
The moon tonight is not full. But tonight was the first night I have noticed the moon since July. I've been too busy to see it. It's always been there, but I've either gone to bed before it had risen or it was cloudy, or I was just not paying attention to the moon.
I remember when I saw the moon in July. It was the full moon, and I remember thinking that it would be the last full moon I would see before my husband came home. I do not remember the date of the full moon in July. I don't think it matters. But I remember how I felt. It was as though the full moons each month had measured time for me, and I was finally seeing the last one. I felt like I had won. A long hard battle, finally come to a victorious end. I remember wondering if he had looked at the moon that I was seeing. I wondered if he thought of it as his last full moon in hell. I know that is how I saw it. My last full moon alone, my last full moon with a hole in my life.
Things are settling in to a way of life that I vaguely remember, one that I remember being content with, one that I remember for all it's difficulties and triumphs. It was a life filled with compromise and a life with meaning. A life that I longed for as I looked at that full moon in July.
Now I look at that moon, and all I can think is
Ha! We win. We will not be a statistic, we will be a standard by which others measure themselves. We will be looked upon with envy and with the best wishes of everyone who knows us, who knows what we have endured.
At the end of our lives, we will be seen as the ones who made it, and made it with such love and happiness. We will be seen as the life people long for when they look at a full moon.
Posted by
9/22/2007 10:30:00 PM
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I got to play with money today!
I volunteered to work this morning, and WOW, I am glad I did.
I got to play with money. I was in the drive thru all morning doing transactions. It really helped doing all that (BORING) watching the last 2 days though, I was already fairly familiar with what to do.
Now, I must say, I used to go through the drive through and it took them (what I thought was) a LONG DAMN time to do a simple deposit or whatever I was there for. Now that I've been on the inside, I realize why it takes so long. There's a lot more to it than you'd think.
I think it's like waitresssing... people who either are now, or were at one time, waitresses are good tippers. I think from now on, I will be a little more understanding waiting in line at the bank drive up.
Now I have the rest of the weekend to get any homework done, and get ready to leave Tuesday morning early to head to Grand Forks. I am driving separately from the other girl, Monica who is going from our branch, too. I don't have to work Monday afternoon, which will be nice. It's bad enough that I have to bowl Monday night, I guess I will have to use the time between classes and bowling to get packed.
I found out that the hotel I'm staying in has wireless, so at least I can be online after training hours... maybe I'll take a webcam and JP and I can have a "date" just like old times... hmm, that IS a good idea.
Oh, and my dad called this morning, I was at work, and he left a voicemessage. He isn't coming up this weekend, he still has hay to bale. Yeah... I know.
Posted by
9/22/2007 01:42:00 PM
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Thursday, September 20
First day on the job
I went in today for my first day at my new job. I didn't get to touch anyone else's money though. It was all computer stuff, learning what programs they use, getting logged on and setting up my accounts. I also filled out tax forms, and employee profile stuff.
I get business cards Y'ALL!!
Everyone was so nice, from the janitor (Doreen) to the president of the branch (Bill). I work tomorrow at 10 am until closing, which will be 5:45 at the latest. I'm also going in on Saturday for about 4 or 5 hours.
Then Tuesday morning I will head to Grand Forks for a week of training. FULL TIME HOURS kids! I'm really looking forward to that first paycheck, which, by the way, will be direct deposited right there.
I just like to say this: "I work at a bank"
Hear that?
I work at a bank.
And when I got home tonight, JP was in the kitchen just putting dinner in the oven. I cannot begin to tell y'all how that made me feel. Like everything will work out.
Of course, I got right to work, changed out of my "work" clothes and got Emma to help me get laundry moving.
Now I am sitting here enjoying the premiere of SURVIVOR: China
Posted by
9/20/2007 06:17:00 PM
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Wednesday, September 19
Two things
One, I have to vent (notice I didn't say bitch? I'm trying not to do that as much, so I'll "vent" from now on!)
AM I THE ONLY GODDAMN PERSON IN THIS HOUSE WHO KNOWS HOW TO PUT A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER ON? MOREOVER, APPARENTLY I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO IT RIGHT! ahem, ok... now, allow me to explain AS IF IT NEEDS ANY FURTHER EXPLANATION! sorry, as I was saying... there must be someone who does KNOW how to put on a roll of TP, and I am trying to appreciate that... but when they put it on and the end of the roll comes out the bottom, THAT IS WRONG. I'd actually rather it be left on the counter where it normally sits until I come along than have it put in the holder BACKWARDS.
ALSO, it has come to my attention that my children are capable of doing things, they just CHOOSE not to, in order to either try to kill me with an aneurysm brought on by fits of anger or perhaps it is because they are just too friggin' lazy. Simple things, really... like putting a garbage bag INSIDE the can before they put more garbage into it.
(relax, breathe, this will PROBABLY not kill you, Nik...)
OK, now, that's done with. I feel better having vented, and now I can get on with my day.
Second point of the day: I just got a message from my son that my father called while I was in the shower a few minutes ago. The message?
"Tell Nikky that I'll call her later tonight, I have to go out and bale as much hay as I can before it gets dark"
I love my father so much. One could wonder why. All of my wonderful childhood memories include my mother and my brother... not him. He was always busy. That message is the story of my childhood. He couldn't come to the basketball game when I was cheering for the first time because there was wood to be split. He couldn't come to see me at the State Speech competition (mom did) because the fence in the pasture was down and it wasn't going to fix itself. So many things my dad missed out on, so many opportunities and so many times he dropped the ball.
But the chores got done, so he's got that going for him.
With all that history, it amazes me how hurt I was yesterday. My birthday was yesterday, dad, but I'll remind you of that when you're done baling hay, I know how important that is to you.
Posted by
9/19/2007 03:12:00 PM
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Tuesday, September 18
What a great guy, what a great day!
My husband is so cool.
He listened to me. Even when I wasn't hinting about birthday presents. I was just mentioning that I'd like to buy myself a new digital camera. I don't have to now, I got one for my birthday. And Emma mentioned to her Daddy that I was complaining about my cell phone. So I got a new one for my birthday.
I got a Motorola RAZR phone, it is SO nice...
and I got a Sony Cyber-shot digital camera. I cannot wait to get it up and running, I'm sure it is a vast improvement over my old camera.
Happy Happy birthday I had!!
I'm not even cranky and bitter about turning 35.
Must be a sign of maturity...
Either that or frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn!
Posted by
9/18/2007 07:39:00 PM
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Monday, September 17
I am who I want to be
So why am I so bitchy all the time?
(I don't have time to roll out all my thoughts now, so I just threw this up for now, to remind me later... I'll finish it when I have time)
How sad is that? I don't even have time to finish a thought...
Ok, now I have a few minutes. I'm pretty bitchy, I swear alot and I crank about stuff that really doesn't matter... the dick cutting me off in traffic, the computer geeks going M.I.A. at school for hours at a time when I need them for 2 minutes, just silly stuff that is certainly not a matter of life and death, barely worth getting worked up over, and I go balls-out pissed. Why?
I have it pretty good. I was looking at my life yesterday and I realized that I'm one of those people that I always wanted to be. You know "those people" right? Happily married to the point of being nauseatingly in love after years and years together, decent house, kids who aren't pregnant or on the police blotter or making meth in the basement. My husband has a job which raises eyebrows when the eyebrow owners ask me where he works. "Nice" they say. Now I have a great job, too. Seems like that was the last piece of the puzzle, the missing link.
Hell, throw a white picket fence around us, and were practically the Cleavers of this century.
I really have nothing to bitch about. So why am I such a sarcastic nasty bitch?
Just lucky, I guess.
Happy birthday Nik, Queen of the Bitches!
(Steven gave me that title... now THAT is irony, cuz if anyone would know a queen, it would be Steven...)
Posted by
9/17/2007 01:19:00 PM
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Sunday, September 16
Nothing but homework left
We got the house cleaned... sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, washing, drying, folding...
The only thing left to do now is my Intermediate Accounting homework. I did my Managerial Accounting test yesterday, with my friend Jacqui's help. She should be a teacher, not my actual teacher. I learned more sitting on Jacqui's living room floor yesterday than I have from Michele all month.
Now we are sitting here watching the Vikings doing 'not so hot' against Detroit. It's still early, no score, but it doesn't seem to be going our way so far.
Alex has homework, I should go out to the dining room where he is sitting, working on his, and do mine, too.
Some random thoughts I've had recently:
Why do people say they don't like something if they've never tried it? Specifically, guacamole.
Why are socks white? Why bother? They should be a gray color... or in my house, in my case, a light orangey color, to match the dog hair.
What is the point of the flat sheet on a bed? It just gets tangled up and pulled to one side or the other... dumb, really.
Why is it that I can have a raging headache, annoying me constantly, but suddenly "forget" about it when I'm in the bathroom just inches away from the Excedrin, only to "remember" it 2 minutes later as I am trying to get comfortable cuddling up in bed? It's like a peekaboo headache. Annoying.
Enough procrastinating... time to do my homework... or wrestle with JP... I'm debating... ha.
Posted by
9/16/2007 03:44:00 PM
1 people commented
Friday, September 14
Background checked out
I finally got a call back from the bank (THE JOB) this morning. Of course there was nothing to worry about with my background check, they just needed to have it done and signed off on before they could bring me in to actually start working.
And, being as good as I am (or rather, as good as I once was) there are no black marks on my record. Ha. I never got caught, that's all! (I am kidding, of course) (No, I'm not) Really, I was kidding. Nothing back there to worry about, not now, not ever.
So, I will start next Thursday, the 20th. The last week of this month, though, they want me to do a training week. Full days. I'd have to miss classes. And here's the kicker... it's out of town. It would require an expense account and a multiple night hotel stay in a city several hours away. I'm excited. Now, she (My boss) said that I don't have to go, she wants my schooling to come first, and doesn't want it to suffer.
That's sweet.
I'm going.
It would be a Tuesday through Friday thing. I don't have classes on Friday at all, and Thursday are wussy classes, just 2 hours. So it would only affect 2 days of classes, really.
And of course, I would be paid for those training days. Hell yes, I'm doing this!
Posted by
9/14/2007 09:58:00 AM
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Thursday, September 13
Wednesday morning's events
With my joy over sleeping yesterday, I forgot to mention how Alex and I (and Eric, really) goofed yesterday and made it all better!
I got up Wednesday morning around 6:30, just before JP left for work. I was tired, and I was still suffering a bit from this cold. I decided to skip the first hour of my Computerized Accounting class. It runs from 8 til 10, it's all lab time, work at our own pace, and I am chugging along nicely, well in line with everyone else in the class. So I went around the house and woke up the kids and when I was darn near sure they were all alert, I told them that I was going to go back to bed for awhile. As I shut my door, I heard Alex ask Eric to holler at him when it was time to go to the bus stop. I poked my head back out to see Alex curling up on the couch. He was starting to feel the effects of the same cold that was kicking my ass.
I went into bed, and reset the alarm for 8:40. I snoozed lightly for awhile, and got up when the alarm went off. I was considering not going to classes at all. I was having an inner conversation with myself, going back and forth between "Yes, I can just email Michele, she will give me any assignments I might miss, I'll be fine, I can go back to bed" and the next minute it was "Suck it up, get your ass out of your jammies and go to class"
I was finally giving in, I was dressed, I was putting my laptop into my bag, slamming it in, really. It was that thud that woke Alex up. He was still on the couch. Emma and Eric had left for the bus stop at 7:20, and left him there, snoring.
He startled me, and I jumped and hollered "What are you doing here?" at the same time he jumped up off the couch and hollered "What time is it?" Well, shit. He's late for school.
Referring back to my felonious high school days, I quickly sat down at the dining room table and dashed off a quick note:
Please excuse Alex's tardiness this morning, I needed his help. Our dog got loose. Thank You, Nicole Parent.
Admittedly, not my best work, but I was under pressure, I was tired and sick, and it was the first thing that came to me.
Best part was Wednesday night after my nap, I asked Alex if he got in trouble or anything.
"Nope, they bought it... geez, it was almost as bad as 'my dog ate my homework' and they still bought it"
And he grinned as he walked away.
Posted by
9/13/2007 05:58:00 PM
1 people commented
Wednesday, September 12
To Sleep, perchance NOT to dream
My allergies are finally letting up, just in time for me to be getting sick.
And suddenly my body has decided to reject the notion of sleep. Sweet wonderful uninterrupted sleep. Nope, not for me. If I finally get to sleep, I wake up after every funky dream, sit there for half an hour to an hour before I can fall back to sleep, and do it all over again a few hours later.
So, yeah, things are not going well lately.
Mom suggested (and supplied me with!) some Melatonin. I took some this afternoon when I got home from class, and slept for 3 hours. Didn't have any funky dreams, didn't wake up constantly.
Nice thing is that I don't have class tomorrow until 10am. I am just about to head to bed again, actually. I have some catching up to do.
Posted by
9/12/2007 07:00:00 PM
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Monday, September 10
Bowling is back; and "the bedtime song"
Tonight was the first night of league bowling. This year, I am on a different team. Our team from last year kind of dissolved. I was picked up by another team that lost a few members. I was pretty nervous, bowling is NOT like riding a bike for me. I cannot stop doing it for months and suddenly pick up where I left off. I pick up where I SUCK...
My first game though, was nothing short of AMAZING! I bowled a 146!! My second game was incredibly sucky, just to make up for it...89. And my final game was close to my average at the end of last season...120. I ended up with a starting average of 118. I can live with that, for now.
I drank 4 of my Mike's Hard Berry while I bowled, and was feeling pretty darn nice. I came home and did some homework, took about 25 minutes... that, too was nice.
The one thing that sucks about bowling on Monday nights and having Macroeconomics on Tuesday nights is that I miss two nights of torturing my kids with the bedtime song.
They hate it. It makes me giggle like an evil midget trying to take over the world. Wanna hear it? Well, you can't HEAR it, but I'll give you the words.
(this part is hollered throughout the house, and shortly followed by my kids screaming "NO!")
"Does everybody know what TIME it is???"
"B-E-D-T-I-M-E (spelled out) bedtime, bedtime, yeaaaah for ME!"
And it helps during the last part to do a little dance, shake what yo mamma gave ya, that sort of thing. The kids really hate it... I don't know why, it's such a FUN song...
Posted by
9/10/2007 08:47:00 PM
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Sunday, September 9
My weekend project

Posted by
9/09/2007 07:50:00 PM
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Saturday, September 8
Went Out
JP and I went out last night with Dan and Stacy, just hit the bar for a few hours. I love my mom, she's the best. Before we left she said that if we needed a ride, no matter what the time, she would come get us, all we have to do is call. So when the bar closed at 2 am, I did just that. JP getting a DUI would mean losing his job, so it's more than just a ticket, it is absolutely not an option for either of us to drive after even having one drink. And we had "a few" more than one!
She came out in JP's truck (we left the Kia at the bar) in her pajamas and we took her to Perkins for breakfast. We gave Dan and Stacy a ride home, too. It was 4 am before we got into bed.
It's a rainy crappy day, but I think I am going to run out to the garage to get something done. On Thursday I mentioned maybe having another post, and then never got around to it. The thing I wanted to show you was the 4 chairs that I got from JP's mom when we were down there last weekend. They are butt-ugly, painted and upholstered. And the cool thing is, with 4 of them, I can do a side by side before and after picture...
Have I mentioned how much I love ZIP STRIP? If I mention them, maybe they will send me a free case of their stuff. If so, I prefer the aerosol cans, not the brush on goop...
So it's a cold and rainy day, so if I can talk myself into getting out of bed, I might just work on those chairs, and if I do, I will post a picture of a before and a during.
Posted by
9/08/2007 03:10:00 PM
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Thursday, September 6
First things first
I was just commenting to Jennie that I had nothing to say today, thanked her for tagging me, then I realized that I DO have something, so it just may end up being a 2-post day! WoooHoooo!
So first will be the meme thingy from Jennie. I am supposed to give out 8 random things about me... tidbits of info I guess. And then I'm supposed to tag other people... we'll see about that.
1. I am playing hooky today. I didn't wake up til 10 (after getting up at 6:15 to get the kids up, I went back to bed) because my husband turned the alarm OFF. Yes, I am blaming him. I only have 2 classes today anyway, Business Income Tax at 10 and Managerial Accounting at 11.
2. I had a funky dream last night, that's why I went back to bed, didn't sleep well. I dreamt that the world was being overrun by zombies, and my dad and I (although in my dream, Peter O'Toole was my dad) went out in a monster truck to try to find any survivors. We found some (2 of them were Subway employees, uniforms, plastic gloves and all!) and took them back to our big farm house, where we all hunkered down to wait out the zombies...
3. I wear my watch on my right wrist. I am left handed and cannot make my stupid right hand/fingers work to put it on my left wrist, which, I guess is where most people wear theirs.
4. I have Spring and Fall allergies, that are currently kicking my ass. All sorts of meds, nothing is really helping all that much. I'm snotty.
5. I weigh myself ALMOST every morning. I'm rarely happy with the result.
6. I tell my husband that his snoring is horrible and annoying. Well, it is, sort of, but not as bad as I let on. Actually, it's comforting to fall asleep to the sound of his breathing next to me.
7. I love to refinish and reupholster old chairs. I have something like 7 of them waiting in stages of half done, almost done, and not even touched. I have no idea what I will do with them if I ever finish them... I love them too much to sell them... but I do love money....
8. I love The Young and the Restless. I have since I was a kid, my grandmother used to watch it when she lived with us, and I can remember sitting with her eating 'Nilla Wafers with vanilla frosting watching it. It was during that time before I entered school, but my older brother was already in, so it was just me and Grandma. Just thinking about it feels like a hug.
Posted by
9/06/2007 09:48:00 AM
1 people commented
Wednesday, September 5
"Conditional Offer of Employment"
That means I PROBABLY have a job.
The conditions are my background check and my reference checks. Since I know that all of my references will say nice things about me (cuz they're scared of me! LOL) and my background contains nothing shady or illegal or bad, then I think I can ALMOST say that
Posted by
9/05/2007 02:58:00 PM
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Tuesday, September 4
Referrals and Google
I am so grossed out.
I was checking my site meter tonight, and I clicked on the "referrals" to see how people found my site... sometimes it's from one of my "friends" who read me, sometimes it's from people clicking on my name in some other blog's comments, and getting there from my profile page.
And sometimes people type words or phrases into Google and it suggests my site among many others.
And sometimes I am repulsed at the things people look up, and then a little worried because Goggle sent them to ME, which means that whatever they were looking for, that sickened ME, was mentioned in some capacity BY ME!
But this latest one... damn. I did not technically mention it... at least not in the context in which it was searched for.
Go ahead, Google these words" maggots in my ass"
Yeah, you read that right. Freakin' sickos.
I did a post about Emma running over a dead rabbit with the lawnmower, hence the "maggot" part. In the same post I was bitching about JP telling me about this "easy out" tool. It was not easy, so I used the phrase "my ass" like one would do in the instance of incredulous non-belief.
And that, sad but true, is how I can be found by Googling "Maggots in my ass"
I need a shower, I feel so dirty.
Posted by
9/04/2007 09:03:00 PM
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Interview, First day of school and weekend with the In-Laws
Lots of catching up to do, it's been a busy few days.
First off, the interview on Friday went really well. I found out that they are interviewing a total of 5 people, I was the middle one. The last two they are going to talk to will happen this week, so it'll be at least a week before I either get a job offer or a "fuck you very much, Loser" letter. But I thought it went pretty good. They REALLY liked the fact that I am available Thursday afternoons and ALL DAY on Fridays. So if one of the other tellers wants the day off (and Friday is the most requested day off) then I can fill in... and it stays the same way for my Spring Semester, too. I will have different classes, but I will still have Fridays off. They also said that whomever they choose, they would definitely want to offer a full time position to after the 1 year commitment to the student position is over. They asked if I would be interested in that..
That would ease my mind so much, just to have this job, and not have to worry about what I'll do after graduation. Plus, it's close, literally 6 blocks from my house, on the same street. I REALLY want this job!!
Next, my weekend with the in-laws. It wasn't too bad, mostly because of my two nieces, Karen and Nikki, and my other niece having a new baby. Nikki is the newlywed, Karen is just a loud girl (and lots of fun) and Amber's new baby took up SO much attention, they didn't really give me much notice...nice. On the way home on Sunday, we stopped in Burnsville and got Alex and Emma their school shoes (Etnies... $60 per kid... holy crap... FOR SHOES??)
Today is the first day of school for the kids... how nice. I got them up this morning and sent them off. Then I went back to bed, since I don't have class on Tuesdays until 10 am. Alex was groggy, Emma was up and dressed before I even had a chance to wake her, and Eric was chipper and perky, too. So I didn't even get to holler and bark like a drill sergeant, darn it!
Now I'm sitting in Business Income Tax class, trying not to fall asleep. It's an ITV class, meaning that the instructor is not on this site, he's in a town about 45 miles away with his own class, and we are just watching him on TV. So I either nap, listen to my iPod, or dink around on my computer. His tests in here are take-home, right out of the book, and we get a week to do them, so his daily lectures are just silly and boring.
Time for breakfast, Diet Pepsi and Pop Tarts...
Posted by
9/04/2007 08:57:00 AM
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Saturday, September 1
Off for the weekend
We are up before the ass-crack of dawn to drive for 5 hours in a Southerly direction. We are going to the In-Laws' town.
Pray for me, see you when I get back.
I'm kidding (no I'm not) it should be fine (no, it won't)
I have my iPod all charged up, so, ya know, at least I've got that going for me...
Be good, be safe, and have fun... See you Monday
Posted by
9/01/2007 06:20:00 AM
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