If you fall off, you have to get right back on
This is my younger son. He is 9 years old. My heart is breaking for him because I know what he's going through and no amount of my talking to him will help him through this. I can tell him that I have been through this and that I know how he is feeling until I am blue in the face but it does not make his tears stop and it does not encourage him to try again.
He is trying to ride his bike. He got this bike over a year ago and has never rode it. He says it's too big and yes, it is a bit big, but he should be able to ride it.
This kid has self esteem issues that I can barely fathom. I had a domineering and perfect older sibling, and I quite often felt incapable, but Alex and Emma don't really put that kind of pressure on him. Eric puts so much pressure on himself. He gets so mad at himself when he fails that he gets all red in the face and starts crying and yells at himself and calls himself stupid.
I just want this kid to do this, for himself, to feel that incredible sense of accomplishment. He deserves this triumph.
He is a good kid and I want this so badly for him.
I don't have kids so it's easy for me to give my take on things. I would think his desire to ride would have to come from within. Some would say he just doesn't want to bad enough. I hope age helps with the self esteem. It's terrible growing up thinking you can't do anything, but I have someone to blame for that. He doesn't because he's got great parents who encourage him!! Is he opposed to training wheels for now?
Hi Flat, I just don't know, he does want this, but it seems like he defeats himself mentally before he even gives it a good try.
I don't think we can find training wheels for this bike... I think it may just take a whole lot of Daddy to help him get over this fear.
I'm sure spending time with him out on the bike will do the trick. Sounds like he's THINKING about it way too much!! He's a little adult already!!
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