Wednesday, June 6

There's no "I" in TEAM...

But there is an "I" in "I fucked up and our TEAM lost because of it"

We actually played a team that was about our level of suckiness. We had a shot of winning!

The first game we played, we actually went all 7 innings. And up through the 6th, we were in it, we were only down 6 to 4, so we were IN THE GAME... then, top of the 7th inning, I pretty much went to shit. Walking a ton, and when I did get a pitch in there good, they wailed on it, way out to the outfield, and they scored 5 runs. We had to make up 8 runs to win the game, and we only had the bottom of the 7th to do it. Yeah, we didn't.

The second game we batted first (I am the lead-off batter and got a double, TYVM) and their pitcher also sucked, and we got in 6 runs off just 2 hits. She walked the rest of our runs in. So I head out to the mound for the bottom of the 1st, thinking I can relax a bit, we have a 6 run cushion. Yeah, fucked that up right off the bat, literally. They also scored 6 runs in the 1st... although I made them earn their runs. 6 runs off something like 5 hits.

It was getting dark, and the Umpire said he would probably call the game due to darkness before we could finish it. Don't even get me started on that jackass, either... all I really wanted to do was pitch one in overhand and aim right for his head... either one. I wanted to hurt him so bad... very one-sided umping, and his strike zone was so inconsistent... as if my pitching weren't inconsistent enough, then I had to contend with him calling the same thing a strike once, and a ball the next time... fucker.

In the second inning, I pretty much fell apart. I walked so many runs, and when I did manage to throw a strike, those fat women could really hit. We played 3 innings, and ended up needing to make up 11 runs at our last at-bat. No, we didn't quite make it... missed it by just 10. sunuvabitch. I was feeling pretty sucky about the whole thing.

On the way home I was telling Eric that I felt crumby, and he said "Ya know what I do when I feel like that?" (what buddy?) "I go see my best friend"

hmmm, good idea. I called Mom as we were driving down our street. Told her that I was having a sucky night, and she said "So ya coming out here?" (Um, yeah, I guess we are!)

We only stayed about 45 minutes out at Mom's, but it was nice, and relaxing, and I told her all about how I lost the games for us, and that I was pretty bummed out. By the time we left, I was feeling better.

I haven't seen JP online for a couple of days, so that makes me cranky... I miss him.
He'll be home in something like 8 weeks... wow, that sounds so nice, think I'll type it again.
He'll be home in something like 8 weeks.

(btw, still waiting on an email of pics from Kelsi)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry 'bout the game. I'm glad your mom can cheer you up, that's SO good. I love mine to death but she'd be the last person to "uplift" a cranky mood!!