Tagging Lurkers
(I admit, I stole this off a blog I found today. BUT, there's a perfectly reasonable excuse, officer!)
I was goofing around with my site meter, which I admit, I have had for some time now, but only just recently started paying attention to, and I noticed a few 'weird' locations. Locations of visitors to my little blog. I decided to call them out...
So, in no particular order, here are some of the locations that caused a raised eyebrow and a "really? wow, cool" or maybe a "interesting, verra interesting"
(then there were the countries)
Canada (think that's Ellie)
Great Britain
China (3 different locations in China actually)
Of course, I did not even mention Flat or Scott, cuz they know where they are, and they're here more often than most. And JP too, of course, we all know where you are babe!
SO, here's the plan: Lurkers, and you know who you are (And now I know WHERE you are!LOL) Please intro yourselves, and take this little tag with you to your blog homes, comment here when you have, so I can come peek on you! It's only fair, really!
What curse words do you use most?the big F word... sorry
Do you own an iPod? Yes, I do now, as of Valentine's Day (Love you honey)
What time is your alarm clock set to? Depends on what time I have class, within 20 minutes of 6:30 am though.
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? I'll take it, hate being in them.
What was the last movie you watched? I don't do theaters, but the kids and I watched Benny & Joon last night.
What CD is currently in your player? Nothing, not since the Nano. All my CD's are loaded into my iTunes library now.
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? Chocolate milk is too thick. I prefer white milk.
Has anyone told you a secret this week? No, but it's early yet...only Monday.
When was the last time you had Starbucks? My birthday in '05, in Minneapolis, alone, after JP dropped me off.
Can you whistle? barely.
Did you watch cartoons when you were little? Hell, I still do! Scooby Doo is the King!
Do you own any band t-shirts? Yeah, a couple of AC/DC
What will you be doing in an hour? Taking Emma to hockey practice
What was the last song you heard? "Sweet Child of Mine" G~n~R... the kids are playing Guitar Hero.
Last time you cried? Last night, Forrest Whitaker's acceptance speech... such a sap, I know.
Desktop or laptop? All laptop, all the time!!
What’s the weather like? Melting snow, so the 9 inches we got over the weekend is reduced to 6 now.
What were you doing an hour ago? Walking in the door, letting the girls out to pee.
How many hours of sleep do you need to function? Minimum of 6
Do you eat breakfast daily? If you count Diet Pepsi and a cigarette as breakfast, then, YES.
What did you do last night? Watched the damn Oscars, too late!
Do you use sarcasm? Sarcasm is my most favoritest ever thing... and this time, I am NOT being sarcastic, I really truly love it!
Do you sleep on your side/back/stomach? Tummy to sleep
Do you watch the news? I get the headlines delivered to my email... most times I skim those, too depressing and most of it hits a little too close to home anyway.
Do you have any scars? Yeah, had my appendix out a couple of years ago, smashed my left FU finger a few years before that... nothing major or horribly disfiguring though.
OK, People, you lurking buggers... come out come out wherever you are!
Good meme!! Aren't you just in lurve with the Nano!!
Lots of lurkers...hmmmm...China??
effin diet...I want some sushi now. Dang China.
I just had sushi for the first time just over a year ago down in Miami...OMG! So wonderful!!
Dayuum, now ya got me thinking about it!!
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