Monday, February 12


It's been a great day... I am not sure why, nothing extremely wonderful has happened (yet) but I just feel pretty darn good about today.

I did get back that Accounting (open book) test we took last week. Got myself 67 points on that bugger. Out of a possible 66. Surprised the hell outta me, too! So that was nice.

My friend Jason stopped over for a bit tonight, he is so fun to talk to. He is the happiest I have ever seen him, ever since he came out. It's like it's finally the real him, ya know? He is a good person and he deserves to be happy.

I bowl tonight, should be interesting. We went on Friday, some of the girls from school, those who are also on my team, and I brought Mom along... even made her bowl with us. Surprisingly, she does not suck. I think she had fun, too. Today in school when I asked my friends who had met her what they thought of her, they all said "She is just like you" "You two are so much alike" and "You sound exactly the same, not just your voices, but the things you say!"

Awww, thanks girls, you say the nicest things... more later, kids are whining for food. Better feed them before I go bowl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gay guys are a hoot!

Congrats on the 67. At first I thought you flunked it then I kept reading.

Bowl one for me.