Today we had an Accounting test. The first hour of the class was review for it.
As several of us were sitting around the commons before class, we were discussing the fact that we didn't feel ready for the test. I felt it last night, when Karmeen called me and asked me what the difference is between the LIFO method in periodic accounting versus the LIFO method in the perpetual accounting. It made me realize that I had no idea. Kind of freaked me out, actually.
But here's the kicker, it's our own damn fault that we all felt unprepared for the test. In class, as Michelle, the teacher would cover each different method, she would then ask us if we "got it", if we wanted to go over it more, or if we felt comfortable moving on to the next thing. None of us said anything. Now, I don't know, maybe the others didn't want to feel dumb saying "I don't get it" in front of the class, but for me, I really thought I understood it, until Karmeen called me and asked me that question.
So we whined and complained and finally voiced our concerns to her, and although we didn't get what we were hoping for (getting her to push the test back until Monday) we did get something better. Open book, open notes.
I will say, even with the review before she gave us the test, I still felt like I didn't know some of it, and I was grateful for the open book.
But at the same time, I am a bit disappointed in Michelle. I think she should have handled it differently. I don't know how she should have done it, but to let us basically bully her into changing the way she gave the test... not right.
Anybody else ever have something like that? Worked out nice for me, but lost a bit of respect for her at the same time...
Ask Einstein what he thought of open books...
Throughout my school years and into my Uni years doing my Nursing Degree, I always asked questions adn got things explained to me again, even if it meant asking it in front of everyone. The reason is this, the very question on my lips could be the question the next person had on theirs yet they were too scared to ask it. It helps everyone :)
See, I'd have asked questions the day before if I THOUGHT I didn't get it... I was thinking I knew this stuff... really threw me when I realized that I had NO CLUE!!
Never got lucky enough to talk a teacher into open book. I think delayed test a few times. I remember that oh shit feeling of not feeling prepared for MANY physics tests when we started quizzing each other. Soon, this too, shall pass.
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