I have to... it's like a law or something.
So here's the "plan":
I'm going to get back to the gym, but that is SUCH a cliche of a resolution. But mine is not so much about losing weight or getting in to shape. I'm (fairly) happy with my current shape. No, mine is about the money... of course. I resolve to go to the gym enough to NOT pay full price for my membership. That's 12 times per month. If I go 12 times per month, I only pay $5.12 instead of $32.12 for my monthly membership. Money motivates me, that's the deal.
I resolve to STOP using my Discover card. Only to pay money TO them, not to borrow money FROM them. Easy enough, just put the card away.
I resolve to finish "the book" and think real hard about doing something with it.
I resolve to have more sex with my husband (sorry mom, sometimes you read things you may not want to, but it IS my blog, and MY resolution) Having sex makes your hormones and endorphins, and crap want MORE sex, and that can't possibly be wrong...
And finally, I resolve to make a video and submit my application to Survivor. I have 2 weeks. The deadline is January 14. If I want to quit my job (and I do) and pay off my mortgage (and I do) the only way to accomplish that without another 28 years of payments is to win Survivor. Hell, even second place, after taxes could probably knock off this mortgage. It's not huge, little town in Minnesota, we're not talking about a half million dollar mortgage here... but it IS enough to require me to keep my job.
Anybody else want to publicly announce their intentions for the new year?
I had already resolved to not use my Discovercard anymore. I keep it in my purse, but I think I will take it out and put it AWAY. Good idea!! Have you seen the previews for that shopaholic movie where she freezes a huge block of ice around her cc so she won't use it anymore? Maybe I should do that with my Mastercard.
Ummm, more push-ups...
I've heard of the iceblock idea, and I would do it if I had room in my freezer! Of course, with our weather, I could probably just put it in a cup of water and set it on my back step for an hour or so... instant ice block, and then lock it in the garage (which isn't heated!)
nice idea!
Hey pay off my debt too if you win survivor!!
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