Tuesday, January 27

Tiny & Naughty

This is Tiny Sue. She is our cat. She's around 4 or 5 years old. She's got a bit of a weight problem. On Monday I went and picked up a Nautilus exerciser for her. The trainer's name is Nautilus, but we just call her Naughty.

I find it amusing that Tiny isn't tiny, Naughty is tiny, and Tiny is pissed. She is laying next to me right now, for the first time since I brought the cute little thing into the house. Tiny seems to be rebelling against the forced exercise. Naughty keeps going up to her, to make friends... Tiny isn't really in that place yet. If they could talk... THIS would be the conversation I hear meowed and hissed under the loveseat:
I love you, we are gonna be great friends!!
I hate you.
We can have such fun together!
** And yes, I chose Naughty mainly because of her coloring... I had originally hoped that JP would see a tabby and assume it's just Tiny... but since Naughty is about 1/3 of the size of Tiny... he didn't buy that for a second!


Anonymous said...

You mind-reading cat conversation is hilarious. I have done that with the dogs before.

Steff said...

Oh yeah...sometimes I'll watch Toby watching Charlie (who I've discovered wasn't the brightest kitten of the litter) and I'll see this look. It cracks me up because I know he's thinking, "Idiot."

Your cats are cute!

Unknown said...

I love cats. My two are kind of like yours. Sasha is fat and will eat anything, while Roscoe is thin and finicky. He always covers up his food when he is finished eating. God only knows what Roscoe "says" to Sasha...