Tuesday, October 10

We are playing a game!

Here's the rules:
First off, it's only for JP (sorry to anybody else, but he deserves it more!)

Once a week I am going to post a picture. What of, you may ask? Well, that's the game. JP has to guess what it is. It's gonna be one of those close-up pics. These will be pics I am taking around here, so they will have meaning to him... Not just some random "found on the 'net" type pictures.

If anyone else reading has a guess (or knows what it is) then please email me, JP has been instructed to leave his guesses in the comments.

I will snap the first picture tonight, and post it tomorrow (maybe Thursday, Wednesday is a full day for me, it may have to wait another day)

At the end of this, when JP comes home for R&R in late December, he will get a fabulous prize for playing along. (Get your mind out of the gutter, I'm actually going to give him a gift, big bow on it and everything)

Plus, maybe it will give him something else to think about, get his mind off things that suck.
I love you babe, Let's Play!!
; )

Ok, after reading all that, aren't you glad that I'm on the ball, and got the picture taken and uploaded AND cropped and sized so I can post Picture One NOW!!


Nikky said...

jp said...
something to do with the dresser

Nikky said...

(he's wrong, btw) teeheee