Sunday, October 15


I'm torn here. I just finished uploading and cropping all the pics I'm going to use for our "game". There are several. I think, in fact, more than enough to do one per week until leave in late December.

Since I've already done the hard part, getting the photos taken (or, those that were already taken and uploaded, just needed to be cropped etc) and they're all ready to go, I even created a separate file for them labeled "clues"... All I have to do is wait a freakin' week?

No, I don't think I can do that.

I will post them whenever I feel like it, and it will be a minimum of once a week. I will tell you this honey, some are easy, and some are very hard. Some you won't need clues for, some you will, and that still won't help you.

I took the girls for a walk tonight, they were being naughty right off the bat, so I decided that walking them both at the same time just wasn't going to happen, not tonight. Alex was along, so I had him take Hailey home and I continued on the walk with Comet. I walked her for 2 miles, then came back, took a 10 minute break, and got Hailey out there to do the same. Both girls were wonderful when they had me to themselves. Apparently they don't work well with others. Brats, bitches... Eventually they WILL walk double. A four mile walk is not my idea of relaxing, I am a smoker for Cripes Sake!! I could have keeled over out there!

I am sure that I will pay for this walk tomorrow. I can feel my legs already stiffening up as I sit here on the bed with my warm laptop on my... laptop?(teehee)

Ok, so yeah, I guess I will post another pic in the next day or so, and I promise, it will be one of the easier ones, since you seem to be having trouble with that first one. I should have started you off with something easier, anyway.

I love you honey, talk to you soon! (PS, just because I post another pic does NOT mean that guessing is closed for a previous pic... Just let me know if you post a comment on an older pic, so I can go check to see if you're right or not)

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