Homework, bowling and helping a Vet
Just a quick update on several topics...
When we got home from our weekend, I ran over to Cheri's house and got caught up on our homework for a class that SUCKS, it's called "Fund/Non Profit Accounting" and if anyone reading this blog EVER suffers from insomnia, let me know and I will send you the text. Knock you out in minutes, I guarantee it. Our instructor gave us the rundown on what we have to have done in that class by the end of the year, and now we are all busting ass to get it done and get it over with! I feel pretty good about where we are at on it, too. It's a major computer program, doing the accounting for a city... Smithville. It is SO AWFUL and dull. But very time consuming.
Tonight was our last night of "real" bowling. Next week is our "fun night" where we get to play differently, like one game will be 8 pin No Tap, and one game will be scotch doubles... just having fun. The following Monday night is our banquet. No bowling, just dinner and drinks, handing out prizes and plaques (none for our team, we suck, but some teams will get them! LOL)
But anyway, tonight, was so bizarre. We all bowled AMAZING in the first game, I had a 147, and that wasn't even the high for our team. The second game was also good for everyone, I had a darn-near high score for me, a 165!!
And then it all went to shit. Fast. For every one of us! I had a miserable 97. And it wasn't even the low score for us.
But, the cool thing was that we still beat the other team in all 3 games!
Also today, I got a visit from Marcus. If you don't know who he is, then you're not paying attention. He's an instructor. He is THE instructor that gave me a B. I would have a perfect 4.0 if not for Marcus. But I'm not bitter... yes, dammit, I am. Funny thing is, I DO like him, he's a pretty decent guy. He came to me today to ask me to tutor one of his students. I have free time every day, from 11 to 1. He said that this guy could work with that. He said that because this guy is a Vet, the VA would pay me $10 an hour to tutor him. That beats the work study pay of $8, and it's only one guy, not like the babysitting he wanted me to do earlier this year. OK, fine. Marcus says this guy is a bit of a grump, he's roughly 50 years old, and computer things do not seem to come naturally to him. Marcus said "I figured he could be rather intimidating and cranky... so I thought you two would be a perfect fit... you cannot be intimidated, and you're cranky, too, so I figure that if anyone could handle him, you could"
Gee, thanks, I think!
That will only last through the end of the year, and that's not too long. The VA has agreed to pay up to 5 hours a week. Dan (cranky old guy) is only on campus 2 days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I figure we can do about 2 and a half hours each of those days. It's $50 a week for about 3 or 4 weeks.
But here's the kicker... the class that I am tutoring this guy through, the class that I am supposed to know well enough to help out a guy... is the same class that Marcus gave me a B in!
Sometimes I think he's a jackass.
That's all, the Minnesota Wild just went up 2 to 1 in the 3rd period, and I want to watch the last of the game.
YEAH. I feel your pain - every damn day. (The accounting firm I work for does mostly nonprofit audits and governmental work.)
Did you see that the Preds won last night??? OMG it was the best hockey game EVER!!! Of course we're watching the Wild too because we COULD end up playing them I think, eventually...IF (big IF) we can beat the Red Wings.
It's cool that the hard ass teacher thinks you are brains enough to tutor---cool!!!
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