Wednesday, March 26


No, it's not a distress signal!

It's a celebration!

On May 1st, aka MAY DAY, I have a 9:50 am appointment for "debanding" (that's what THEY call it, I call it 'ripping those suckers OUT!')

I called my Ortho Fat Bastard and talked to his wonderful receptionist, Denise. I figured that since my BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHEILD OF MINNESOTA, which, BTW, sucks ass, won't cover the surgery, then what are we waiting for (anymore!) let's get this over with!

Dr. Fat Bastard agreed, and we scheduled it for May 1. THAT means that on May 16th when I graduate from college, I can SMILE!
(OH, BTW, that is not a picture of my mouth, I googled for that... I will post a picture in May though!)


Anonymous said...

That's great!!! You will feel like a new woman!!

Melissa said...

It's a wonderful feeling. Congratulations!!