Thursday, November 22

The Standard

"What I am thankful for" Post... of course

One year ago, the kids and I had fish sticks and tater tots for Thanksgiving.
I am thankful that my family is whole again. I am thankful that my husband is here this year to carve the turkey, being anal enough to separate the white meat and the dark meat on two platters, because that's how he is.

I am thankful that my husband and I can talk to each other about our differences and work out a compromise that neither blames or benefits either of us excessively. Our faults and our benefits are ours to share, and we do so because we are a team, and obviously, we are a team that works well together.

Oh, and the stuffing was really good, thankful for that, too.

1 comment:

Steff said...

I call it dressing, but you always gotta be thankful for good dressing!