Sunday, November 4

Playing hookie tomorrow

Our hunting weekend was full of seeing deer through the trees, couldn't get a clear shot. But just looking at her through the scope on the gun was SUCH a rush! I swear my heart was pounding in my throat AND in my ears.

So tomorrow JP and I are playing hookie in the morning and going out to try again. Our season here ends next Sunday, so my opportunities are getting pretty short. I work next Saturday morning, so it'd just be Saturday afternoon/evening or Sunday. So I'm going to skip out of a couple of classes and see if I can kill something.

I do have one concern however. I have been, over the last week (I remember it "started" last Monday afternoon, so it's really just been a week) having "issues" with my guts. Now, I don't want to get graphic, but it involves not wanting to be too far away from a bathroom, let's just leave it at that, K?

Last Monday was rough, I even called in and didn't go to work. Again on Thursday was a bit bad, not as bad as Monday, but still, not fun. And now today, too. Last Monday I figured it was what I had for lunch (Chinese buffet) just didn't agree with me, since it hit me about an hour after lunch. But ever since then, it's happening WHENEVER it bloody well feels like it! Little concern about being out in the middle of the woods if my body decides to... liquefy my assets?

Gawd, I cannot believe the things I discuss here, I'd be embarrassed, but honestly, I just don't give a hoot! HA!


Anonymous said...

keep a watch on those issues you r having. did the 'bloody' comment describe any part of your symptoms? if so you better get it checked out ASAP!! Good luck tomorrow deer hunting!! do you hunt on the ground or in a tree stand?

Nikky said...

I get a british accent when I get cranky, so the "bloody well" was just that...
we are up in a stand in a tree, I will chat tonight about what happened this morning... interesting!!

Scott from Oregon said...

I guess I got my "killing things" urges all out of my system at the age of ten.

Aside from the fact that dead offal smells horrible, I can't, for the life of me, understand what you get out of killing?

If someone said to me "I love venison and we are going hunting..." I would totally understand.

But "I want to kill something!"

I am truly baffled by that very notion.

Steff said...

Seriously, you need to get yourself to a doctor. Those kind of "issues" are never fun! Hopefully your insides have decided to behave themselves.