Wednesday, July 25

Last night alone

I'm sitting in my bed...oops, OUR bed, and everything is done.
In the morning, I will get up at 7am, shower etc, then while the kids are showering, I will strip the bed, and make it with the nice sheets. I love LOVE the smell of crisp clean bedding.

Tonight (after seeing Harry Potter this afternoon) the kids and I went from one room to the next, working together and got a room clean and then left it... a clean room is now off limits!

We went through the entire house like that, and the kids worked really well together. I did allow the boys back into the living room for Playstation purposes, with Alex's solemn vow that he would return the game and the hand/clicker/thingys to the cabinet where they belong.

I folded the last load of clothes and settled in to bed, now I'm exhausted, but I am forcing myself to stay up for David Letterman and Craig Ferguson. That will take me to just past midnight, and hopefully I will be able to fall asleep then.

I may not post for a day or two, so if the blogger's rockin', don't come a knockin'!!


Jan Ross said...

I don't think it really matters what you will be wearing to greet him - he won't notice!! I'm so happy for you. Have a wonderful next few days with your husband.

honkeie said...

Just do as they do at this gentlemans club over by me called Hott22. 'All our girls wear are smiles!'
Simple and to the point haha

Anonymous said...

You gotta make up for lost time--rock out all weekend long!!!

Steff said...

By now he's home and perhaps you've come up for air! Seriously've got a lot of time to make up for!

Oh, my jelly arrived while I was gone. I'll bust into it tomorrow! Thank you :)

Scott from Oregon said...


Unknown said...

Oh, what a happy day that will be, or was, and hope there comes a million more to follow. Again, I am so happy for you both.