Wednesday, July 11

Ethics final

I got my grade on that Ethics paper I turned in on Monday...38/40... which is 95%! Holy shit, I lost 2 points, and it dropped me all the way to 95%

So throughout the class, I have 5 points less than the total points possible... and for the class I am currently at 96.4% Yes, that's an A, but the final exam is tomorrow, and it's worth about 30% of the total grade. So technically, I could still fail this class!

So I am up late studying, and writing notes hoping that the mere act of rewriting these things will make them stick in my brain.
The one thing I have going for me is that the test is multiple choice. I kick ass at those. I can usually rule out at least one if not 2 or 3 of the 5 possibilities right off the bat. Then, just by seeing the answer, I can usually get them. Now, if this were a fill-in-the-blank test, or worse, an essay answer type thing, I'd really be screwed.

So I am slipping in to my nice cool bed this evening with Aristotle, David Hume, Mill, Williams, Plato and Socrates. I will be lulled to sleep by their timeless words of wisdom (and it will NOT take long, I guarantee it, gawd, how dull!)

Socrates. I can't seem to bring myself to say it soc-ra-tees. Thanks to Bill and Ted, I am forever forced to say it (silently to myself, thank goodness)


Please tell me that I am not the only one?


Anonymous said...

Yeah you're the only one. ha ha Just kidding. I had to ask Bat if you were talking about Bill & Ted the movie. And I said so-crates...not pronouncing it like a milk crate..but rather how it's supposed to be. hee hee I'm so movie illiterate.

Melissa said...

You're not the only one. It takes me three times to get it right: so-crates, so-CRAT-es, and finally, SOC-ra-tees. That movie made more of an impression than I've been prepared to admit, it seems.