Friday, September 12

the new plan

I figured out why I haven't been blogging lately.
I thought it was all about having NO free time, but that's not really it.
I have free time, but I really prefer to blog by myself... as in when I have ALONE time.

And I don't really have any of that.
Except during my lunch hours home from work.
I get an hour for lunch every day and I come home, it's only 4 minutes away. Now that the kids are in school, it's peaceful and quiet here during the day.

So from now on, that is what I will try to do.

Oh, and right now? No, I am not alone. JP is in bed next to me, sleeping, and I am trying to type quietly. It's alot like trying to type drunk, alot of backspacing and retyping.

So I will see you Monday, and maybe then I will also have time to check YOUR blogs, my favorite people I've never met that I love to read, and have neglected for too long. I am sorry, and I miss ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, that makes me feel a lot better!! lol I've been missing you too. Wondering where you were and what was going on. What crazy things your kids did or your bowling avg for the week!! Can't wait to have you back.