Saturday, September 13

ALL my children have met the cops now

Last night the trifecta was completed.
An officer visited us last night. He came calling on the parents of Eric.

We have these neighbors, well, they live on the same block, and we can see the back of their house from our driveway, but we do not share a property line... they're kitty-corner to the north and east. They have children, in fact, their 3 kids are very close in ages to my 3 kids. Emma has a Cow in her class and Eric has a Cow in his class. (I changed their last name to Cow in honor of their mom, and to make typing easier.)

Eric was riding his bike last night, not quite dark, and apparently he and Joe Cow, the one in his class came upon each other. Now, I love my son, and I will defend him until the day I die, but I am not stupid either. The story I heard (after the cop left) and the story that Joe Cow told him mommy, and the cop (after Ulga Cow called him, of course) are not very similar. Ask each boy, and you will get the basic 'it was all him, he did it, I was innocent' story.

My favorite part of the whole thing: the cop mentioned that Joe Cow DID have a little cut on his lip. Eric admitted to the cop that he hit the Cow boy. So after the officer left, JP and I are sitting there with Eric, trying to get the whole story.

me: how did you come to hit him?
eric: after he knocked me off my bike I got up
me: and?
eric: I self-defended myself!

(secret nikky voice in my head: ATTA BOY!!!)


Scott from Oregon said...

The boy was fine and momma called the cops?

Was her son an habitual antagonizer?

Anonymous said...

LOL self-defended himself??!?!?! too funny...glad your boy knows how to whoop ass & take names!!

Nikky said...

See, Scott knows, back when I was a kid, if you got smacked around by another kid, you got up, brushed the dirt off your ass, wiped the snot and blood on your sleeve and got on with it/over it!

Everybody's callin' the cops these days, damn, no wonder kids are so screwed up nowadays!

Steff said...

Ha! I cracked up with that I self-defended myself part. Walking the parent line must be a hard one at times. At least you got a funny blog post out of it!