Homeopathic and homophobic
wow, these girls. Yeah, I'm doing a post from work.
Babbling about the healing power of prayer and positive thinking. One of the actually said "If you WANT to feel better, just FEEL BETTER, its that simple"
Really? Gee, I'm sure that would have helped my aunt who died of emphysema... how silly of her not to think of JUST FEEL BETTER... stupid women.
Of course they went on to discuss the herbs and acupuncture type things, some of the girls were poo-poo'ing them, silly remedies, others were certain of their healing powers.
Then they get on the subject of Prop 8 out in California, and Ellen DeGeneres and how all "those people" are going to have to answer for their sins in the end...
IF you believe in Heaven, then you'd think the bible bangers would keep quiet, and let all the sinning homos GO TO HELL, so they (the "good people") wouldn't have to share eternity with them!
And the benefit, for those of us who do not adhere to those archaic beliefs, is that they would KEEP QUIET, aka SHUT UP, or maybe Live and Let Live, at the very least.
I always thought that being a Christian meant being tolerant, and the whole 'judge not lest ye be judged' crap... I have never seen such a big group of haters... not just here at work, I'm talking about anyone who feels the need to spew poison regarding this issue.
(That's the end of the phoned-in portion of this post)
Survivor started tonight, interesting, as always. That is something that I think I would like to do. And I think I could be good at it. I wonder about applying... probably another one of those things that I'll never do, so nevermind.
The Twins are playing game 3 vs the White Sox right now. They've won the first 2, but are losing right now. I am flipping back and forth between the game and the season premiere of CSI. I lead such an exciting life.
First of all, I just have to say it, not all Christians are like that. Yes, the most vocal ones do tend to be the most nuttiest of the religious nuts, but we're not all that way. Have I ever spewed hatred at you? Yeah, I didn't think so! (Okay I'm backing off cause I'm feeling just a little too big for my breeches. Haha!)
I missed Survivor last night (details at my blog as to why) but hopefully I can catch back up next week. And I think you'd be great on Survivor! Just don't be one of those stupid players that everyone seems to turn into when they reach the island. Seriously, I'd be such a great Survivor player if it took place on my couch only once a week. :)
Have a great weekend!
You're right Steff, and I really didn't mean for it to sound like "all" Christians are like that... you know I love ya, and on some things we just have to agree to disagree!
I was talking to my sister yesterday about Grey's Anatomy--they have recently introduced a lesbian fling on the show. My sister was telling me how one of her co-worker school teachers has quit watching the show b/c 2 girls kissed. My sister went on to say how nauseated she was when she saw them kiss. I just have to keep my mouth shut. Little does she realize I've got several good friends who are in committed relationships with the opposite sex. I am really surprised at their ignorance, I always thought it was just in the Bible belt down here.
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