Wednesday, July 2

nothing else to say but this

I was going through my list of blogs I read, visiting everyone else... and found an interesting idea, about the time I was thinking that tonight was going to be a read-only blogging night, no posting, because I had NOTHING! to say.

Here's the idea... grab the nearest book, turn to page 123. Find the 5th sentence and then post the next 3 sentences...

K, here goes:

"The sea oats belong, but the rest of that shit has no business growing without irrigation. Somebody better investigate, that's what I think" "My daughter and I went exploring one day. It looked like outright jungle south of here"

Sorry, with nothing much going on, it's a pretty dull post... but if you want to do this, page 123 etc, go ahead, comment so I can go check it out.
I'm in hopes that this weekend will bring about some finishing touches on several projects, it's a 3 day weekend for me, bank is closed on Friday, and I don't have to work on Saturday.

Btw, it's "Duma Key" by Stephen King.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That was a pretty good book! We're looking forward to the three-day weekend here, too. Get those projects knocked out!