sorry, been busy with naughty kids
Monday morning, shortly before 2:30 AM, my phone rang.
I was having a hard time sleeping anyway, so I wasn't really bothered being woke from a not-so-deep sleep. What I WAS bothered by was the conversation:
{ Hello, this is Officer ____ with the _____ Police Department, do you know where your son is?
}I know where he's SUPPOSED to be...
Yeah, the little bugger crawled out his bedroom window about 2am and got on his bike and rode over to his friend's house. The two boys were on their way to the water tower, their usual hangout, when the officer pulled up next to them.
So now he is basically on house arrest, with ME as the warden, and my mom as my head guard.
The problem is that he sleeps all day, and then he's up all night. Well, my mom's suggestion (and JP's, too!) was for starters, to get him up at 5:30 am with me and he gets to go out to the gym and get a good workout in. We tried that, even got him there Tuesday morning. But turns out, because the gym I use does not have staff there 24/7, they cannot allow people under the age of 18 to work out there. Insurance and liability issues. DAMMIT!
But there are other ways to punish him. Constructive ways. Ways that can punish AND benefit others... case in point: The dog walker. Alex is now required to walk all 3 of our dogs. Individually.
How can I ensure this is happening, when I am at work all day, you may wonder? Well, I am SO PROUD of myself for coming up with this one: He is required to walk the dogs PAST THE BANK!! I can see out the windows (remember, I can see the Cop Shop across the street? I can see Alex walking a dog down that same street!) THEN!! Just to be sure he's seen, because I could be busy with a customer, he walks around the bank, into the drive-up area, and he is required to (and he does it very well!) stop and WAVE at the girls working in the drive up. Then they put on a speaker and thank him, and he goes on his merry way. They keep me posted on the number of times he's been by!!
Three times a day.
Once with Hailey,
once with Comet
once with Kate.
Every day.
The walk is about 8 or 9 blocks round-trip. Times 3. This is a great punishment because this boy is such a potato, he HATES doing anything that could be construed as exercise. And it's good or the dogs, too.
Now, as for the review, well, I hope to get that done soon... ahem, um, well, JP has Guards this weekend, he has to leave tomorrow morning at 8 am. I'd hate to have to wait much longer to "test" this stuff!
What a great way to give your boy the shits...
So much for being a sleepy teen...
Love it.
If it makes you feel any better one of my co-workers son shot 3 of their cell phones up with BB guns this week and lied about it.
Sounds like great punishment--It almost makes me wish I was in trouble. I've love to be able to walk our dogs that much!! ha ha
Good luck with the his/hers...ahem.
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