Sunday, September 3

It's finally September, and I am one turtle short

Days are passing, that's nice. One year ago, I was dreading the end of September, because it would mean JP is leaving. Now all I can do is wish that it would be the end of the month NOW, so I could write in here "Wow, it's October already!!". He has been gone almost a year. There have been a lot of changes here in the last year. His wife used to be employed, now she is not, she is a college student, his son has started (and stopped, several times) dating. His daughter has gone from goof, to employed and amazing, to awful and unruly; really hit both ends of the spectrum with full force. His youngest son has gone from angry and moody to cheerful and employed. His (ok, they're MINE) dogs have grown up and grown some manners. His house looks different and is changing all the time. I hope he will be either amazed and happy with the changes, or at the very least willing to accept and adapt to them.

Now, on to the dilemma of the day: I am a turtle short. Shaggy, the oft-forgotten member of the family, a western box turtle is missing. He lives in a 55 gallon fish tank, no water, a pelt of fake lawn and a dish for fruits and veggies, and a shallow watering hole. I went to the grocery store this morning, and while there getting the essentials for us, I grabbed a cut fruit platter for "the Shagman" as we lovingly refer to him. I was busy unloading groceries, putting things in the fridge when I came upon the fruit. I tossed it to Alex, told him to give Shagman some, and check his water, too. He came back upstairs and practically yelled at me "Where is Shaggy?" (as if I had stolen him and was holding him ransom somewhere) Alex had this wide eyed disbelief thing going on, as I asked him what he was talking about, and followed him down to see that, in fact, the Shagman had indeed flown the coop. It is impossible for a turtle to leave the confines of that tank. The sides are a good 18 inches high. Turtles do not climb. Someone had to let him out "for exercise" and forgot him... And he wandered off. Logic takes over, and I instruct Alex to start looking under furniture, in corners, FIND HIM.

It is now an hour later, and I don't know what to say. Shaggy is the incredible disappearing turtle. Gone.

I'm guessing we will find him someday when the stench leads us to his final resting place. I find that sad, and it makes me angry because some irresponsible kid left Shaggy out to 'play' and then just forgot about him. Who? Your guess is as good as mine, I can easily see any of the 3 doing that.

I can't do this, I have to find that turtle... Will keep you posted.

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