Monday, September 11

The Vikings, a date and a Senate Secretary

Tonight is the first game of the Viking's season. It's a Monday night game, they're playing Washington. I'm online while watching it because JP got up at 3 a.m. to "watch" it with me. I am not chatting with him NOW, because his internet is pretty sketchy, and he goes offline without notice, then pops back in minutes later.

I got myself into something new today. I ended up being one of the 2 required students from the Accounting program in the Student Senate. The first meeting of the year was today, and it was all about voting for new officers. Somehow I ended up being unanimously voted as the Secretary. Ok, fine, it takes up about an hour or so of my time per week, and it looks good on a resume someday.

I should be working on my homework, or at the very least studying for my accounting test tomorrow, but I can always do that later tonight.

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