Monday, September 25

My ideal evening (revised)

Of course, my ideal evening would include JP, but since I can't have that, I have the next best thing.
A chocolate cake
A fork
Mike's Hard Berry
Season 3 of Sex and the City.
Fuzzy socks and yoga pants with a ratty T shirt

I do enjoy my girl time, even without other girls to share it with.

I got an A on my Payroll test, and that gives me a 92% for the semester so far, a low A, but an A nonetheless. There are two assignments withstanding, I'm hoping that when they are factored in, it will raise my percent to a stronger A.

Steven wants to meet Dave. Mom doesn't think that's such a good idea, and I have to agree. Nothing good can come of this. They have nothing in common, and I don't see them ever becoming friends. There is no reason for Steven to meet him.

I have to go, I forgot that Gina and I have an errand to run, and here I am, hopped up on chocolate and Mike's...Damn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

something to do with the dresser