Emma makes me laugh
I am in Brainerd now, Em had a hockey game this evening in a nearby town, and a game tomorrow against Brainerd, so she and I and JP are staying in a hotel.
On the ride here, Emma was giving me such giggles, I had to write them down, so I'd remember it, so I could share... One of those (two, actually) "Kids say the darnedest things"
First off, she gets on the subject of Noah's ark, how she read about it and then says "It was HUGE". Me, not being a big bible reader (this is where she is getting her info from) I automatically refer back to the Bill Cosby stand-up routine I remember from my childhood... and I say "What's a cubit?" a la Bill in his Noah & God conversation.
Emma says (from the backseat, maybe she didn't hear me very well) "Cuban?"
Before I can correct her, she says "Isn't that an animal?"
Little later on, she's trying to stump me with... have I ever heard of a... kind of stuff. She says "Mom, do you know what a gnu is?"
me: Yeah, it's an animal sort of like a yak... cow family, right? (I look to JP for confirmation...)
Em: it's not a yak, it's a YAM
me: Emma, a yam is a vegetable... a tuber.
Em: No, a yam is a gnu thing, with horns... it's an animal
me: No, I can take you to the produce section of the grocery store and SHOW you a yam.
Em: do they sell yam meat?
UGH! She's so funny.