Arguing with myself
I feel stupid
You're not stupid
I was completely lost today
It's the first day, what do you expect?
I wasn't familiar with any of the accounting terms she was babbling
That's why you're taking the class- to GET familiar with the terms
Ok, there, I think I feel a little better now. I am/was starting to feel a bit ( a lot) overwhelmed by it all... Shit, and I only had two classes today, the Business Math/Calculators and Financial Accounting I. I can't wait to see how much I panic after I get into Payroll, Business Law and Intro to Computer Tech... Computers, now THAT'S where the insecurities really lie...
There's a whole lot of terms I don't understand, and the only thing I really know so far is that I like Carol, my acct teacher and advisor. I don't think I will strangle her, I think I will like her and learn a lot from her.
I have homework to do, some reading and some problems, so I really should be starting on them. I better get used to having homework every day and DOING it every day. I will not get behind, and then try to play catch up, it sucks.
Mom and I are having a "get re-acquainted" night tonight, we haven't seen much of each other the last week or so, with me getting ready for school, and her working a long 10 day stretch after Michigan, and spending the weekend non-working hours with Dave, we haven't seen much of each other lately. I miss her! So I will get my homework done now, before she gets home from work, so we have the evening to just hang out.
I don't see JP online much, that sucks, so I hope that by keeping this up to date, he can at least know what's going on here. Maybe if he emailed me a little blurb every day, I would know how he's doing, as of right now, I have no idea. I think I talked to him last over the weekend... Too long ago, that's for sure!
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