My horoscope should have said...
Something about financial pictures becoming clearer today. (but no, I got a bunch of crap about forgiving past transgressions blah blah blah)
This is why my horoscope should have been about financial happiness today:
I got the wiener down at my insurance company checking into our rates, she says we should be able to get something lower, good records that we have and all. She says she will get back to me tomorrow, if not, I will be calling her. I want answers.
I also got a call out of the blue about refinancing or at least looking at our options concerning our (possibly shady) mortgage company, perhaps you've heard of them: Ameriquest... Yeah, big settlement payers in a recent lawsuit claiming they mislead a bunch of their customers... I'm pretty sure I want to get away from them. I will see what this other company has to say/offer, then talk to JP. If we end up refinancing, I can do that only if JP gives me a temporary Power of Attorney. Funny thing about getting this call is that JP and I were just talking about checking into them in the last few days. Before then, I knew very little about my mortgage, today, I know LOTS... And was able to NOT sound stupid talking to this woman on the phone. So she is going to do some checking and get back to me.
I also got a bill in the mail today, one I was actually looking forward to getting. If I can (and I can) pay Home Depot $250 before July 1, we will avoid the finance charges of almost $89. "Interest free for 6 months" is a great thing, if you can pay it off in 6 months... and I can.
Things happen for a reason, I tell ya. You can't tell me there isn't a purpose to everything that you do, every seemingly random act is done for a reason. That reason may not be clear to you right away, but eventually, you will look back and do a "Oh, geez, NOW I get it, that makes perfect sense now" It was just meant to be. Don't argue with fate, it'll bite you in the ass, just let it unwind the way it was meant to be.
In the end, everyone will be happy, everything will be fine. (BTW -- JP, YOUR end is FINE... Damn I miss your ass!!)
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