Wednesday, February 25

Countdown to the end of the world

OK, maybe not THAT dramatic... maybe it's not the ENTIRE world... just mine.

But if you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have been getting.
In other words, if you want shit to change, you have to change it!
I'm trying to give myself a pep talk here... it's time to suit up and grow a pair.
Too bad I'm a chick, huh?

Maybe when it's all said and done I will explain myself... for now, just think of me this evening and pray/hope/send good vibes that all goes well for me this evening at my meeting.

I hate to give too many details since my blog address is now part of my FB, and people that I know from ALL walks of life, personal and professional, are friends of mine on FB... so if they get a wild hair and check closer in my FB, they will see my blog address, which is, of course, a link to

So if YOU really want to know, if you REALLY give a shit, leave me a comment, and I'll email you a short version of a long story, how 'bout that?

In the meantime, the countdown is at one hour twenty four minutes.....

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