Thursday, May 15

On a side note

Alex started reading my novel last night.
I took advantage of my last week of classes, last week, to print out the whole thing!
Hey, I pay tuition, and part of that covers the cost of the ink cartridge and reams of paper... better than using all my ink at home, right?

Anyway, I could not believe how nervous I was last night as he sat on the bed next to me, reading it as I was pretending to play Bingo at I was watching him, waiting for him to toss it aside and say "this is dumb, why did you waste your time?"

But he didn't say that.

Not yet anyway.

But he didn't finish it, either... so maybe the "this is dumb..." will come yet.


Anonymous said...

Give yourself some are more impressed with you than they will ever give you credit for. If it didn't capture his attention he would have thrown it down quickly, you know how kids are.

Jan Ross said...

Wow, I will be interested in hearing more about this. Have you approached any publishers?